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The History Of


(September 2014 through August 2016) Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church had the second annual "Women’s Day" on September 7, 2014. The women led most of the services during the Morning Worship Service. The choir, comprised solely of women, was directed by Anita Lanham. Donna Wicher gave her testimony. Margaret Pyles and Catherine Sabo performed special music. Shirley Skaggs delivered the message. She talked about opportunities, whether they are acted on or missed, as they relate to sharing God’s love or sharing the importance of a relationship with God. After the service, the women who took part in the service were shown their appreciation by the congregation. See pictures. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on September 10, 2014. (Click to view summary of minutes) Sunday School Perfect Attendance Awards for the Church Year of September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014 were presented during the Morning Worship Service on September 14, 2014 for the following: Karli Veatch (2 years), Jean Sallee (3 years), Allison Sallee (7 years), Helen Mays (11 years), Michelle Gribbins, (12 years), Jessica Veatch (13 years), Josh Veatch (26 years), and Elizabeth Farmer (28 years). During the church year of September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014 there were: 3 additions by baptism and 3 by letter Total recorded members was 573 with 524 being resident members The Sunday School Attendance average was 124 The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 259 Vacation Bible School Enrollment was 162 Total Mission Project Participation was 112 Organizational Structure for 2013 - 2014 The recorded deaths were: o Joyce M. Payne o Roberta Battcher o Exie W. Shively o James Rogers o Tommy Smith A Special Called Business Meeting was announced on September 29, 2014 to take place on October 5, 2014 during the Morning Worship Service for the purpose of voting whether or not to offer the Youth Minister position to Erin Cox upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee. The vote was taken with the majority of yes votes to 14 no. Erin was asked to fill the position by Bro. Steve Skaggs and she accepted. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on October 8, 2014. (Click to view summary of minutes) The Fall Renewal Weekend was October 18-19, 2014. Bro Rickey Letson, from Laurens, South Carolina First Baptist Church was the speaker. He led a Saturday morning session for teachers and leaders with a 10:00 brunch, and preached the Sunday morning and night services. Operation Christmas Child sponsored lunch on Sunday, October 19th. There was no cost for the meal but donations were accepted with funds going toward financing the Operation Christmas Child shipping expenses. The Women’s Lunch was held Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 11 A.M. “Godly Women: Faithful from Generation to Generation” was the theme that Kim Shumate, a family court judge from Hardin County, presented. Laura Cook Gordon of Lebanon provided the special music. Over 140 women attended the event and enjoyed a fun time of fellowship with family and friends, a great message, and entertainment. The food was served by men of the church in white shirts and black pants. The service and the food was great! The Annual Halloween "Trunk-N-Treat" activity was held on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the church parking lot. Over 120 children and their families participated in the Trunk-N-Treat activities this year. It was a cold and windy evening but everyone had a great time of fun and fellowship! Thank you to all the families who brought their children to the event. Special thanks to everyone who set up a "trunk" full of goodies. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on November 5, 2014. (Click to view summary of minutes) MHBC Youth Reunion 2014 was held on Saturday, November 8th from 2:00-4:00 P.M. in the old fellowship hall in the church basement. Former youth members and youth leaders who were in youth from the years 1980-2000 came to the event. The 140th Anniversary of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church was held on November 9, 2014. The theme for the event was "Giving thanks: For the Past, Present, and Future!" Joan Stansbury was the guest speaker in the Morning Worship Service. There was a potluck Thanksgiving Meal after the morning service in the Fellowship Hall. The Afternoon Service, immediately following the meal in the sanctuary, featured children, youth, and a video produced especially for the anniversary of members talking about their memories of MHBC and hopes for the future. It is estimated that approximately 225 people stayed for the meal and even more were in attendance during the Morning Worship Service. What an enjoyable day of fellowship with family and friends! The Monthly Business Meeting was held on December 10, 2014. (Click to view summary of minutes) The Annual White Christmas Offering was collected on December 21, 2014 during the Morning Worship Service. A final total of the money given was $16,931.00. Of this, $10,913.00 was deposited to the regular church fund and the rest was specifically designated per wishes of the individual to other funds such as: (1) Reimbursement for the Western Recorder, (2) Backpack Food Program Offering, (3) Balcony Carpet Offering, (4) Operation Christmas child Shoebox Offering, (5) New video Camera System Fund, (5) Love Offerings, (6) Book Link International Postage Offering, (7) Sunrise Children's Home Offering, (8) MHBC Expansion of Parking Lot/Resurfacing Blacktop, (9) Cemetery Fund, (10) Lottie Moon Christmas Card Postage Offering (11) Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions and (12) Elevator Fund. Thank you to everyone who participated in this annual offering. On Wednesday, December 24, 2014, we had our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and observed the Lord's Supper at 6:00 p.m. It is felt by many to be the most favorite service every year! The Monthly Business Meeting was held on January 7, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) The Monthly Business Meeting was held on February 4, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) Eighteen couples participated in the Marriage Retreat on February 6- 7, 2015 at Barren River State Resort Park. There was an evening session on Friday night and two session on Saturday morning. Dr. Scott Wigginton and his wife, Elizabeth, led the couples in this time of celebrating marriage. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on March 11, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) Men's Day was celebrated on March 15, 2015. Special music was provided by the men participating in the choir and Mark Carney was the speaker during the Morning Worship Service. Bro. Steve Skaggs and Paul Helm provided special music and Josh England was the speaker during the Evening Worship Service. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on April 8, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) On Sunday, April 12, 2015, the elevator was put in use and several tried out the new service. It will be dedicated at a later date. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on May 6, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church showed appreciation to all the mothers attending the Morning Worship Service on May 10, 2015 by presenting each of them with special gift and making a donation in their honor to the Relay for Life. Bro. Steve Skaggs provided special music. Special recognition was given to: The Oldest Mother Present (Evelyn Burress), The Youngest Mother Present (Jessica Paris), The Mother with the Most Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren present (Helen Mays), and Mothers with the youngest babies present (Savannah Browning with Karris Ailene Browning born December 16 and Kristen Cox with Jase Tucker Cox born March 30), Babies born since last Mother’s Day (Kristen Cox, Savannah Browning, Sydney Cox, Ashley Brady, and Allison Benningfield). Clara Evans is the oldest Homebound mother at Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church. She is 95 years old. A vase of flowers was given to her daughter, Judy Farmer, to take home in her honor. See pictures of the event. The Senior Adults (Bro. Steve & Shirley Skaggs, Kathi Barnett, Carroll & Judy Benningfield, Judy Benningfield, Shirley Farmer, Betty Inman, and Ernest Carol & Evelyleen Taylor) made a trip to Virginia May 11-15, 2015. Sites included Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, Monticello and Appomattox. A special called meeting was held during the Morning Worship Service on May 24, 2015 in order for the members present to vote yes or no to enter into agreement with Howard Osborne Construction to do the church parsonage remodeling at a cost not exceeding $55,000 plus $3000 for the dead man anchors. There were 82 (yes) votes to 26 (no) votes so the remodeling of the parsonage will go forward as discussed at the March 11, 2015 Business Meeting. The elevator was dedicated during the Morning Worship Service on May 24, 2015. Jon Stansbury spoke before the congregation about what the elevator project meant to his father, Bro. Vic Stansbury, and how proud he and the rest of the family are that the project has been completed. Youth Vacation Bible School was held on Sunday, May 31, 2015 to Friday, June 5, 2015 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. nightly. Our Vacation Bible School was held on June 7-12, 2015 (Sunday through Friday) from 6 to 8:30 p.m. "This is the way. Walk in it" was the motto this year as children learned the importance of trusting Jesus as our Guide in life. Friday night was our family night as the kids demonstrated what they learned during the week and then finished the night with food, fun, and games. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on June 17, 2015 (Click to view summary of minutes) All the fathers present at MHBC were honored during the Morning Worship Service, on June 21, 2015, with the presentation of a gift of appreciation. Special recognition was given to: "The Youngest Father Present" (Jesse Cox), "The Oldest Fathers Present" (Jim Bob Moore and Billy Veatch), and "The Father with the Most Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren Present" (Ernest Carol Taylor). See pictures of the event. "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4 (NIV) The Monthly Business Meeting was held on July 8, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) There was a special called Business Meeting on Sunday morning, July 12, 2015, for the express purpose of voting on parking lot renovation and expansion. There was three options with a total of 98 votes placed as follows: 1. To renovate the existing parking lot for a cost of $37,583.24 (51 votes); or, 2. To renovate the existing parking lot and add additional parking for a cost of $63,933.24 (39 votes); or 3. To leave parking lot as is with no work (8 votes). Therefore, only the existing parking lot will be resurfaced and striped. The 3rd Annual Back to School Bash was on Friday night, July 31, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. We enjoyed a time of fellowship with the youth, children, and families while camping out, watching a movie, playing games, and listening to a sermon illustration from Buck the Golden Retriever. It's was a great night to gather as a church and share God's blessings and our support for families as kids get ready to return to school. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on August 5, 2015. (Click to view sumary of minutes) The Annual Men’s Skeet Shoot/Fish Fry was on Saturday, August 15, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. All the men participating in or watching the event had a great time of fun and fellowship! What great weather and great food! Elizabeth FarmerSpecial recognition was given, during the Morning Worship Service on August 30, 2015, to Elizabeth Farmer for over 50 years of service as the WMU Director of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church. She was presented a plaque and pin documenting her years of service by Josh Veatch and Shirley Skaggs. During the church year of September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015 there were: 6 additions by baptism and 1 by letter Total recorded members was 572 with 522 being resident members The Sunday School Attendance average was 113 The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 208 Vacation Bible School Enrollment was 251 Total Mission Project Participation was 75 Financial Giving o Cooperative Program = $23,949 o Annie Armstrong Giving = $1,733 o Lottie Moon Giving = $3,364 o Association Missions Giving = $3,992 o Great Commissions Giving = $38,333 o Total Missions Giving = $51,756 Organizational Structure for 2014 - 2015 The recorded deaths were: o Pearl Jacobs o Teresa Brockman Veatch o Thomas Leon Wilcher o Sam Farris o Lennie Pike o Hazel Livers The Monthly Business Meeting was held on September 9, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) The Third Annual Women's Luncheon was held on September 12, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. This year the luncheon featured “Bruce and Lisa,” a husband and wife team of internationally acclaimed classical musicians. They shared their testimony of how God changed their lives and the power of prayer and God’s healing as Lisa has struggled with brain tumors. They played Christian music in a wide variety of styles as they shared the story of God’s love. Bruce has toured with many of the biggest names in Christian music such as Michael W. Smith, Natalie Grant, and Casting Crowns to name a few. Everyone that attended the event recieved a blessing. There was also lots of good food and fellowship with friends and family. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on October 7, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) Thankfully the weather cooperated and we were able to have our Annual Trunk or Treat Activity outside on the church grounds on October 28, 2015. Various sources report estimates of 160-170 children in attendance. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on November 4, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) The Monthly Business Meeting was held on December 9, 2015. (Click to view summary of minutes) The Annual White Christmas Offering was collected during the Morning Worship Service on December 20, 2015. A total of $23,120.00 was received ($17,451.00 was placed in the general fund with the rest placed in designated funds according to specifications made by the gifter). Thank you to everyone who participated in this special service. Our 9 week Women's Bible Study group began on October 7, 2015. The study was taught by different women from our church and each week it was about important women of the Bible. The group's last session was on December 30, 2015. A group picture was taken of those at the last meeting. An average of 25 women attended each session. Bro. Steve served as babysitter and entertainer during the study sessions. The women are planning another Bible study in the spring. Those present for the picture were (from left to right): Front Row: McKenzie Hardin and Jennifer Bland Center Row: Lori England, Kelly Wise, Anita Lanham, Shirley Farmer, Carolyn Morris, Shawna Richerson, Faye Porter, and Judy Benningfield Back Row: Barbara Jean Benningfield, Catherine Sabo, Charlotte Benningfield, Gayle Kelly, Linda Sabo, Kim Skaggs, Michelle Yocum, Jill Montgomery, Rhonda Cobb, and Shirley Skaggs The Monthly Business Meeting was held on January 6, 2016. (Click to view summary of minutes) The annual Couples Marriage Retreat was held on January 29-30, 2016 at Lake Cumberland State Resort Park in Jamestown, KY. There were 16 couples that attended the event. Carolyn and Steve Morris, along with Bro. Steve, led the group in sessions with this marriage adventure and journey. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on February 10, 2016. (Click to view summary of minutes) Barry FieldsRevival Services were held February 28-March 2, 2016 with Bro. Barry Fields, pastor of Hawesville Baptist Church (located in Hawesville, Kentucky), serving as the Evangelist. There was a good attendance each night and some very inspirational, encouraging, and challenging messages. Special Music Schedule each night included: Sunday Night - The Sabo Family Monday Night - Steve and Friends Gospel Quartet Tuesday Night - Bro. Steve Skaggs Wednesday Night - The Grimes Family The Monthly Business Meeting was held on March 9, 2016. (Click to view summary of minutes) The Monthly Business Meeting was held on April 6, 2016. (Click to view summary of minutes) Men's Day was celebrated on April 17, 2016. Special music was provided by Bro. Steve Skaggs and Don Witham. The men made up the choir and provided special music as a group. Dennis Wise was the speaker during the Morning Worship Service and Donnie Veatch was the speaker for the Evening Worship Service. Bro. Steve Skaggs served as the pianist and David England served as the organist. The Monthly Business Meeting was held May 4, 2016. (Click to view summary of minutes) On May 8, 2016, Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church showed appreciation to all the mothers attending the Morning Worship Service by presenting each of them with special gift of a Mother’s Day MHBC tote bag. Martha Whitehouse provided special music. Special recognition was given to (See Pictures): The “Oldest Mother Present”: Pauline Wise The “Youngest Mother Present”: Jessica Paris The “Mother with the Most Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren present”: Helen Mays Mother with “A Baby Born Since Last Mother’s Day”: Amanda VanHook (daughter, Kinsley) Clara Evans is the “Oldest Mother at Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church (present or not present)”. She is 96 years old. A vase of flowers was given to her Granddaughter, Sharon Reed, to take home in her honor. On May 22, 2016, Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church recognized all new graduates. They included: Adam Bland (represented by his wife, Jennifer), Austin Sabo, MaKayla Sabo, and Kelsey Veatch (represented by her father, Donnie Veatch). Each graduate, or representative of the graduate, was asked to describe to the congregation where the graduate went to school, the level of of education obtained, and what they will be doing with their life as a result of graduation. Each graduate was presented with a book entitled "The End of Me: Where Real Life in the Upside-Down Ways of Jesus Begins" (Kyle Idleman, Author) by Bro. Steve Skaggs. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on June 8, 2016. (Click to view summary of minutes) Youth Vacation Bible School was held June 5-9, 2016. Vacation Bible School 2016 - June 12 - June 16, 2016 from 6:00 p.m to 8:30 p.m. This year's theme was "Submerged: Finding Truth Below the Surface". As kids submerged themselves in God's Word, they discovered that Jesus saw people differently. He didn't just see what's on the outside; He saw who people were down deep. The Bible verse to remember was: "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way. Psalm 139:23–24". Parent Night was on June 17th at 6:00 p.m. There was a Bouncy House and Slide, a Dunking Booth, Food, Sno cones, Popcorn, and Cotton Candy. Money collected during Bible School was directed to two special causes: (a) The Bucket Project Hospice KET through Kentucky WMU and the Baptist Global Response, (b) Operation InAsMuch - Kentucky (this is a local project). Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church showed appreciation to all the fathers attending the Morning Worship Service on June 19, 2016. A gift in honor of them will be given to the Taylor and Marion County Relay for Life Organizations. Nettie Brown provided special music with the song, "Daddy's Hands". (See Pictures) Special recognition was given to: The “Oldest Fathers Present”: Jim Bob Moore, Howard Farris, and Billy Veatch The “Youngest Fathers Present”: Dustin Benningfield and Jonathan Bright The “Father with the Most Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren present”: Smith Mays The Monthly Business Meeting was held on July 6, 2016. (Click to view summary of minutes) Our 4th annual “Back to School Bash” was Friday night, July 29, 2016 at 6:00 P.M.. The church furnished the the hot dogs and buns for the wiener roast. The weather was perfect for camping out, watching a movie, playing games, and enjoying the fellowship with everyone as God's Blessings were shared in preparation for the beginning of a new school year. The Monthly Business Meeting was held on August 10, 2016. (Click to view summary of minutes) The Women's Bible Study Group met from August 10, 2016 at 6: 00 p.m. and continued every Wednesday through September 14th. The book studied was "The Family of Jesus" by Karen Kingsbury.
From Left to Right: Christopher and Andrea Morrison, Bro. Steve and Shirley Skaggs, David and Lori England, Don and Betty Witham, Tommy and Wanda Buckler, Jason and Jessica Benningfield, Trent and Carey Pyles, Adam and Jennifer Bland, Todd and McKenzie Hardin, Ray and Beth Osborne, Mark and Kelly Carney, Josh and Jessica Veatch, Tony and Michelle Yocum, Joe and Kim Skaggs, Nick and Rhonda Cobb, Steve and Carolyn Morris.
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