(September, 2004-August, 2009) Joyce Payne, Melody Mays, and Kaylene Poff compiled the history of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church from September, 2004 to August, 2009 for the 135th Anniversary, celebrated the week of November 4-8th, 2009. Much appreciation goes to these ladies who spent many hours gathering information from church and associational minutes, church records and bulletins, and individual sources.The church choir participated in the annual Central Baptist Association Music Night September 12 at Springfield, KY.Work began the week of September 27, 2004 on the renovation of the steps and ramp out front. Henry Brockman is doing the work. You do not have to step up now to get in the front door of the church!!!The following members volunteered as messengers to the Associational Meeting which was held October 4, 2004 at Woodlawn Baptist Church: Elizabeth Farmer, Joan Stansbury, Arlene Mullins, and Rev. Victor Stansbury.The church has become incorporated (announced at the October, 2004 Business Meeting). The following members were recommended (and approved) for the 2005 Stewardship Committee: Barbara Jean Benningfield, Patty Brady, Donna Wilcher, Ernest Carol Taylor, and Debbie Farris.Bro. Vic announced on Sunday morning, October 3, 2004, that the loan on the new addition was paid in full!!! A note burning was held at our 130 year celebration service Sunday morning, November 7, 2004. The week of November 3-7, 2004 was scheduled to celebrate the 130th anniversary of MHBC with the activities as follows:•Wednesday, November 3 at 7:00 p.m. oRev. Earl Pike, messageoGary Videto, special music•Thursday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m. oRev. Bruce Hullette, messageoSteve Skaggs, special music•Friday, November 5 at 7:00 p.m. oDon Hamlin, messageoBrian Bishop, special music•Saturday, November 6 at 7:00 p.m. oJOYMAKERS •Sunday, November 7 at 11:00 a.m. oBro. Harold Meers, messageoMuldraugh Hill Baptist ChoiroJason Logan•Members (former & present) reminiscied throughout the week of their memories of Muldraugh Hill. Also, a document of written memories was published. As announced in the November, 2004 Business Meeting, the concrete and railing work has been completed and the parking lot has been sealed. The budget was approved for the 2005 Fiscal year with $10,000 borrowed from Citizen’s Bank for 6 months. The $10,000 was paid off in January, 2005 using money from the Building Fund and the remainder from the Regular Fund. The only debt the church has left at this time is for the van.A church-wide birthday party was held on January 23, 2005. The meal was pot-luck with the church furnishing the meat. Tables were set up and decorated, representing each month of the year. The members born in each month were responsible for decorating their table. An award was given for the Best Decorated table.In February, 2005 the W. M. U. announced at the Business Meeting that the church had surpassed its goal for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by collecting $4,074. A Financial Advisory Committee was approved of the following members: Roger Barnett, Joyce Payne and Ernest Carol Taylor. This committee will look out for the church’s financial interests.The youth had a church-wide Valentine’s Meal on February 13th, 2005 following the Morning Worship Service. The meal was free but donations were accepted to help fund future trips and activities by the youth.In the March 2005 Business Meeting it was approved to place a flagpole with a floodlight in memory of Marion Payne in the New Market Cemetery. The American flag can be seen waving from the road as travelers pass by.Men’s Day was March 13, 2005. The men were in charge of all activities of the church. They taught Sunday School and led the Worship Services. Ernest Carol Taylor and David Veatch were the speakers in the Morning Service and Mark Speer and Steve Yates were the speakers in the Evening Service.The choir performed the Easter Cantata, “Behold the Lamb” on March 27, 2005. Ernest Carol Taylor and Kelly Wise were narrators for the program. Sam Graham took care of the sound.May, 2005 – The Home Missions Offering received $703.00, surpassing the $650.00 goal. Elizabeth Farmer and Betty Whitehouse attended the State W. M. U. meeting in London.The church set up a “Phone Tree” to help get information out to church members about deaths, sickness or emergencies that happen in our community. People in Marion County are asked to call Elizabeth Farmer at 270-692-3203 and those in Taylor County to call Ernest Carol Taylor at 270-699-2786. These people will proceed to call others on the list to spread the word.All the mothers of the church were recognized on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2005. Special recognition was given to “The Oldest Mother Present” (Frances Hourigan), “The Youngest Mother Present” (Jessica Benningfield), and “The Mother with the Most Children Present” (Jean Sallee).Vacation Bible School was held on May 31st to June 4th, 2005 for children through grade 6 from 6 to 8:30 pm nightly. Parent’s Night was June 5th with a program presented by the children, refreshments, and an inflatable slide and bouncy room for children to play on. The theme was “Ramblin Road Trip: Which Way Do I Go?” There were as high as 98 students each night.A group went on a Mission Trip to Avon, Florida June 5 - 11, 2005 to help with the cleanup after the Hurricane. They worked with the Florida Baptist Disaster Relief Organization doing hurricane relief. Mission Team members were: Tyler Bright, Josh England, Beth Veatch, Kelsey Veatch, Jessica Reynolds, Allison Wise, Kellie Wise, Stacy Mays, Davette Mays, Stephanie Brady, Emogene Farmer, Goldie Graham, Obie and Karen Whitehead, Eddie and Teresa Fightmaster (Youth Minister and his wife) Bro. Vic and Joan Stansbury.June, 2005 – The church now has a Visa credit card with a limit of $800.00. It was used for the first time on the Mission Trip to Florida. The Deacons recommended, and it was approved, for the following people to serve on the Nominating Committee: Elizabeth Farmer (W.M.U. Director), Kelly Holderman (Sunday School Director), Dennis Wise (Chairman of the Deacons), Betty Cox, Judy Farmer, Bob Moore, and Mark Speer.On June 19, 2005, the church celebrated Father’s Day. During the Morning Worship Service, all the fathers were recognized with special recognition given to “The Oldest Father Present” (Milton Farmer), “The Youngest Father Present” (Jason Benningfield), and “The Father with the Most Children Present” (Jim Sabo, Jr.).There was a church-wide swimming party at the Campbellsville Swimming Pool on July 18th, 2005.On Saturday, July 30th, a group went to the Lincoln Jamboree in Hodgensville to see Steve Skaggs, a former Minister of Music, perform.August, 2005 – Glaze and repair was done to the stained glass windows for $2,600.00. Forty-five Braille books of Bible stories have been ordered and received by the church for Amanda Livers.During the church year of September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2005, there were:•5 additions by baptism and 0 by letter•The Sunday School Attendance average was 135•The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 214•Total receipts were $177,719Perfect Attendance 2005•Organizational Structure for 2004 - 2005•Those receiving Perfect Attendance for the year: Elizabeth Farmer (21 years), Josh Veatch (18 years), Ann Reynolds (14 years), Catherine Sabo (1 year), Russell Veatch (12 years), Michelle Gribbins (7 years), Kelsey Veatch (6 years), Jennifer Reynolds (9 years), and Evan Sallee (1 year)•The recorded deaths were:oClarence BenningfieldoEarl BrockmanoRaymond EnglandoJoseph Gregory MeltonoMarion PayneoFlorence RichersonFrom September 25th to 30th, the Central Baptist Association held a Revival in several churches in Marion County. Muldraugh Hill hosted the revival on the 26th with Dr. Bill Saye as the evangelist.The Annual Fall Meeting of Central Baptist Association was held at Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church on October 3, 2005 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Our church was responsible for the noon meal. Rev. Victor Stansbury, Joan Stansbury, Elizabeth Farmer, Ernest Carol Taylor, Arlene Mullins, and Evelyn Burress served as messengers to the Association.September, 2005 Business Meeting – The church approved the collection of a special offering on September 18th for the Kentucky Disaster Relief, which is helping with the hurricane victims. If $1,000 is not collected, the church will make up the difference for a total of $1,000.00. $1,925.00 was actually collected.November, 2005 Business Meeting – The following people will serve on the Stewardship Committee for 2006: Catherine Sabo, Janice Chappell, Joyce Payne, Sam Graham, Mark Carney, and Debbie Farris.Our Fall Revival was held November 6th – 9th, 2005. Kenny Rager, a graduate at Campbellsville University and presently a student at Southern Baptist Seminary was the evangelist.On Sunday, December 4th, we had our “Hanging of the Greens” service and the children’s Christmas program, “Tell Me the Story of Christmas” during the evening worship service.In the December business meeting, a report was given that a new insert for the sign in front of the church (excluding the brickwork) is estimated to cost $2,949.50. It was approved to have this work done. It was also decided that all future members going through baptism would receive a Bible from the church. A decision was made to pay off the balance of what is owed on the church van ($6,997.50). This is the churches only debt.The Christmas Cantata and Play, “Bringing Christmas Home”, was presented on December 11th during the Morning Worship Service.The Annual White Christmas Offering was collected on December 18th, 2005 (total of $16,711.00).December 25, 2005 was Jason Logan’s last day as Minister of Music. He resigned earlier in the month and will be taking a new position as Minister of Music of Greensburg Baptist Church. Jim Sabo, Sr. will fill in until a new Minister of Music is hired.On January 8th, 2006, there was a reception in the church Fellowship Hall in honor of Smith and Helen Mays who celebrated 55 years of marriage.The Annual Church-wide Birthday Party took place on Sunday, January 15th following the Morning Worship Service. Tables were decorated for each month with an award given to the “Best Decorated Table”. The meal was potluck with the church providing the meat.The Fellowship Hall will be open on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7-9:00 pm through the winter months (ending in April) for recreational activities.On February 12, 2006, the Youth sponsored a church-wide Valentine’s Meal. The meal was free but donations were accepted to help the youth with future activities.On March 12, 2006, the G.A.’s sponsored “Annie’s Café”, a free meal with donations accepted to help with the Annie Armstrong North American Missions “Easter” Offering.March 19th, 2006 was Youth Sunday. The youth were in charge of the Morning Worship Service. The youth listed in the bulletin were: Austin Sabo, Jennifer England, Holly Sabo, Brandon Sallee, Jonathan Bright, and Kaitlyn Farris.Men’s Day was Sunday, March 26, 2006. The men led the Sunday School classes and the Morning and Evening Worship Service activities. Obie Whitehead and Dennis Wise were the speakers in the Morning Worship Service. Glen Wright was the speaker in the Evening Worship Service.April 5, 2006 Business Meeting – The W. M. U. reported that the goal was surpassed for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering with a total of $1,049.00 received.The Spring Revival was held April 23 – 26th with Bro. Danny Pace as the evangelist. He is Pastor of Palestine Baptist Church in Taylor County.The church celebrated Mother’s Day on May 21, 2006. Each mother was recognized with special recognition of the “Oldest Mother Present” (Lucy Benningfield), the “Youngest Mother Present” (Ashley Brady), and the “Mother with the Most Children Present” (Jessica Benningfield).May, 2006 – The church decided to have the steeple reclad with David England overseeing the project. David will apply gold leaf to the cross. The cost will be $7,024.00 and $70.00 per hour for the use of the crane to put the steeple in place. (The work was completed in July.)Vacation Bible School was held June 5 – 9, 2006 from 6:00 – 8:30 pm with Parent’s Night on June 10th. The theme was “The Artic Edge”. The Southern Baptist Convention was held in Greensboro, North Carolina June 11, 2006. Father’s Day was celebrated on June 18, 2006 with recognition of all the fathers present, with special recognition of “The Oldest Father Present” (Milton Farmer), “The Youngest Father Present” (Jon Hall), and “The Father with the Most Children Present” (Wayne Sallee).A Church Directory Committee was formed: Charlotte Benningfield, Elizabeth Farmer, Ernest Carol Taylor, Joan Stansbury, and Mark Carney. The directory pictures were taken in August by Olan Mills. Kaylene Poff took pictures of the Pastor, staff, and Sunday School Classes.The following members served on the Nominating Committee: Elizabeth Farmer, Kelly Holderman, Ernest Carol Taylor, Catherine Sabo, Janice Chappell, Larry Bright, and Glen Cox.Sixteen church members served on a mission trip to Gulfport, Mississippi from June 25th – July 1st, 2006. Those people were: Stacy Mays Bartley, Annette Dennison, Josh England, Eddie and Teresa Fightmaster, Davette Mays, Melody Mays, Bob Moore, Jessica Reynolds, Brandon Sallee, Joan Stansbury, Bro Vic Stansbury, Ray Stapp, Heather Thomas, Betty Whitehouse, Kelly Wise and Allison Wise. Two other team members (Rev. Don and Lisa Gowin) drove down a load of doors. They worked on three houses and the inside of the church that had been damaged by the hurricane. In the Fall, 2006, Obie and Karen Whitehead went to Gulfport and painted the inside of Gulf Gardens Baptist Church.Pictures were taken of all the Sunday School classes during the Sunday School hour on August 6, 2006 to be included in the new Church Directory. Kaylene Poff took the pictures of each of the Sunday School groups.Olan Mills was here from August 17-19th to take pictures for the new church directory. A make-up date was scheduled for September 28th for those who would not be here for the original 4 day event.Bro. Vic announced in the Morning Worship Service on August 20, 2006 that he and Joan have a new granddaughter born to Vicki and Andy Thompson. They named her Abigail Elise and she weighed seven pounds and 8 ounces.During the church year of September 1, 2005 to August 31, 2006 there were:•6 additions by baptism and 6 by letter•The Sunday School Attendance average was 133•The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 207•Total receipts were $189,420Perfect Attendance 2006•Organizational Structure for 2005 - 2006•Those receiving Perfect Attendance Awards: Ann Reynolds (15 years), Kelsey Veatch (7 years), Elizabeth Farmer (22 years), Jennifer Reynolds (10 years), Anita Lanham (8 years), Michelle Gribbins (8 years), Burnam Lanham (10 years), Russell Veatch (13 years), and Josh Veatch (19 years). Absent from the photo was Annette Dennison (14 years)oThe recorded deaths were:oEmma Carter FarmeroRobert MullinsoLyle PayneoGary Stephen YatesThe following members served as Messengers to the Associational Meeting held at Stewart’s Creek Baptist Church on October 2nd: Bro. Vic Stansbury, Arlene Mullins, Elizabeth Farmer, and Joan Stansbury.September 10th, 2006 was the annual hayride with picnic and Evening Worship Service on Joyce Payne’s farm. The goal was set of $500.00 for the State Missions Offering. The goal was surpassed for the first time since 2003.The church purchased an Epson projector and a screen (total of $939.98) to be used for Bible School.The following members served on the Stewardship Committee for 2007: Mark Speer, Terry Eastridge, Catherine Sabo, Beth Veatch, Larry Bright, and Debbie Farris.Fire Extinguishers have been placed in strategic places around the church and Exit signs above the doors per recommendation of our insurance.In the November, 2006 business meeting, the Music Committee presented a report and made a recommendation for purchase. The church approved the purchase of an organ from the Rogers Company for $22,500 if we run our own speaker wires. This price includes: delivery, installation, speakers, and unlimited instruction for our organists. It has a computer, is self-diagnostic, and has a ten year warranty. Two types of stock (twelve shares of Chilpote and 182 shares of McDonald’s) have been donated to the church through Edward Jones, with the present-day worth of $8,344.02. It was decided to sell the stock and place it in the General Church Fund to be used toward the purchase of the organ if a special offering collected on November 19th did not cover the balance. There is already $16,350 in the Organ Fund already. A final payment was made on the purchase of the organ in January, 2009.November 12, 2006 was Eddie Fightmaster’s last Sunday with us as Youth Director.The Kentucky Baptist Convention was held November 13-15th, 2006.The choir, directed by Jim Sabo, Sr., presented the Christmas Cantata called, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” on December 17, 2006. . The members of the choir were: Michelle Gribbins, June Elliott, Joyce Payne, Dixie Wise, Leslie Moore, Kathryn Sabo, Amanda Livers, Anita Lanham, Nettie brown, Joan Stansbury, Emogene Farmer, Margaret Pyle, Goldie Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Eastridge, David and Lori England, Wanda Farris, Glen Cox, Jim Sabo, Jr. Mark Carney did the narration. The annual White Christmas Offering was collected on December 24, 2006 with the sum total of $18,751.00.An Elevator Fund was started in January, 2007.The new church directories arrived and were given out to the church members on January 7th, 2007.The annual church-wide Birthday Party was held on January 21, 2007 after the Morning Worship Service. The meal was potluck with the church supplying the meat. The tables were again decorated according to each month of the year and an award was given to the “Best Decorated Table”.On January 14th, in the Evening Worship Service, The Sullivan Family, a gospel group from Alabama, performed for the church.Two fire boxes that will withstand 1700 degrees for one hour were purchased in March after the February, 2007 Business Meeting. It was decided to permanently display a folded American flag in a shadow box in the vestibule to honor those who have served and are serving in the armed forces. It was put in place in March.A total of $3,249 (surpassing the goal of $3,000), with the help of Lottie’s Café by the GA’s on February 11th, was collected by WMU for International Missions. The GA’s will be holding a Bake Sale in April to help raise money for the Annie Armstrong North American Home Missions Offering.Jon Eric Stansbury and Rebecca Lynn Simmons were married in Henderson, Tennessee on March 10, 2007 at Bible Baptist Church. Several members of the church attended the wedding and reception.Ricky Livers is applying for a beer and liquor license for Poor Boys, which was previously Benningfield Quick Stop. The church approved sending a petition and statement to Frankfort protesting the issuance of the licenses. This petition was available at the church to be signed on March 18, 2007. It was later mailed to Frankfort in September.Men’s Day was March 25, 2007. The men taught the Sunday School classes and led the Worship Services. The speakers for the Morning Service were Todd Hardin and Ray Stapp. The speakers for the Evening Service were Jim Sabo, Jr. and Terry Eastridge.A new copier was purchased by the church in April, 2007 from Chandler’s for $1,805 with a 12 month warranty. An Omni directional microphone was purchased for $125 to aid the Children’s Choir and other specials. The WMU, along with the help of the GA’s Bake Sale, collected $1,229.11 (surpassing the goal of $1,000) for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. The credit card limit was increased to $2,000 so it can be used for gas for the Mission Trip coming up in July.The Spring Revival was held April 15 – 18, 2007. Bro. Mark Graham (son of Sam and Connie Graham), pastor of Beech Grove Baptist Church in Green County, was the evangelist.Muldraugh Hill celebrated Mother’s Day on May 6, 2007 a little differently than usual. This year, instead of having a meal, there was a reception and time of refreshment prior to Sunday School. Then during the Morning Worship Service each of the mothers was recognized with a gift. Then special recognition and gift was given to honor “The Oldest Mother Present” (Frances Hourigan), “The Youngest Mother Present” (Ashley Hurt), and “The Mother with the Most Children Present” (Jean Sallee).On May 20th, following the Morning Worship Service, there was a church-wide fellowship meal in the church Fellowship Hall to raise money for the Mission Trip this summer to Gulfport, Mississippi. There was no charge for the meal, but donations were received for the trip.Vacation Bible School was held for children of preschool age through 6th grade on June 4 – 8, 2007 from 6 – 8 pm nightly. The theme this year was “Game Day Central: Where Heroes Are Made”. Parent’s Night was on Friday night with the program followed by refreshments and a time for the children to play on the inflatables.June Business Meeting - The purchase of a cabinet with locks was approved for approximately $229 to hold the materials for the GA’s. The following members served on the Nominating Committee: Roger Barnett, Elizabeth Farmer, Sam Graham, Mark Speer, Sherri Price, John Sparrow, and Tracy Cochran.Bro. Vic and Joan attended the Southern Baptist Convention in San Antonio, Texas during the week of June 10th.The church celebrated Father’s Day on June 17, 2007 with recognition of and presentation of a gift to each of the fathers present. Then special recognition and gift was given to honor “The Oldest Father Present” (Milton Farmer), “The Youngest Father Present” (Jason Benningfield), and “The Father with the Most Children Present” (Jim Reed).The large old oak tree was cut down that stood at the northern edge of our parking lot near Highway 289. It has been there a long time and it really changed the view as drivers approached the church from Lebanon. From July 7 - 14, 2007, 19 people returned to Gulfport, MS for a Mission Trip: Bro Vic and Joan Stansbury with their granddaughter, KelseyThompson, Melody Mays, Davette Mays, Stacy Mays Bartley, Annette Dennison, Betty Whitehouse, Josh England, Brandon Sallee, Jonathon Bright, Eddie and Teresa Fightmaster, Lequita Barnett, Allison and Kellie Wise, Jessica Reynolds Veatch, Jennifer England, and Bob Moore. They held a Vacation Bible School and did various rebuilding projects in the community.The church hosted the Associational Music Night on September 16th, 2007 and the Associational Meeting the first Monday in October. The following members were sent as Messengers to the Association: Bro. Vic Stansbury, Joan Stansbury, Arlene Mullins, Evelyn Burress and Elizabeth Farmer.Bro. Don Blackwell, his wife Lisa and son, Austin, were here from Gulfport, Mississippi September 26, 2007. They took school supplies back with them from Muldraugh Hill. September, 2007 – The CO-ED Softball Team won the tournament at Bradfordsville.
The members of the team were: Jason and Jessica Benningfield; Kevin and Tracy Cochran; Timmy and Stacy Bartley; Josh and Jessica Veatch; Heather Thomas; Kellie and Allison Wise; Travis Hurt.The Kitchen Committee was given permission to purchase a second basic refrigerator for the old kitchen.A total of $541 was collected by the WMU for State Missions. The church approved the purchase of a 60” lawn mower by the pastor and trustees for up to $7,000 and to dispose of the old lawn mower and tractor. Bids were accepted for the old lawn mower and tractor and they were sold to the highest bidders.The following members were nominated and approved to serve on the Budget Committee for 2008: Betty Whitehouse, Donnie Veatch, Glen Cox, Ernest Carol Taylor, and JoAnn Benningfield.During the church year of September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007 there were:•3 additions by baptism and 5 by letter•The Sunday School Attendance average was 134• The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 218•Total receipts were $199,590•Organizational Structure for 2006 - 2007•Those receiving Perfect Attendance Awards for the year: Allison Sallee (2 years), KellyPerfect Attendance 2007 Holderman (1 year), Ann Reynolds (16 years), Kelsey Veatch (8 years), Elizabeth Farmer (23 years) Burnam Lanham (11 years), Russell Veatch (14 years), Josh Veatch (20 years)•The recorded deaths were:oFloyd BurressoEdward SandersoGeneva YatesThe dumpster was put in place at the church on April 29, 2007.It was approved at the August 2007 Business Meeting to spen up to $3,000 on a new lawnmower for the church. It was noted in the Deacons’ Minutes on October 28, 2007 that on two nights a wee the church will host an activity night where basketball and cornhole will be played. The church now has DSL service. The church purchased property adjacent to the New Market Cemetery in October, 2007 to expand the cemetery for $5,000 (the 0.4 acre Kessler Lot). Richard Crum donated the land needed to square it up (0.3 acres). The cost to survey the land was $720. Joe Mattingly, attorney, donated his fee to draw up the deed. A recording fee of $49 was paid to the court house. The land has been seeded and straw placed.Edward Jones has given to the church 100 shares of McDonald’s stock valued at $5,971. The church will hold onto the stock for now.A group (Bro Vic and Joan, David and Melody Mays, Josh and Jessica Veatch, Annette Dennison, Josh England, Allison and Kellie Wise) returned to Gulfport, Mississippi from December 20th to 22nd, 2007 to take “Angel” gifts for Christmas. On December 23, 2007, the choir (directed by Jim Sabo, Sr.) presented the Christmas Cantata and Play (narrated by Tracy Mays Cochran) and the Annual White Christmas Offering was collected which totaled $15,525.The church approved the purchase of a lift for no more than $1,000 to change light bulbs in the Fellowship Hall. It was purchased in January, 2008 for $752. The Finance Committee recommended (the church voted on and approved) that the church make changes in the checking and savings accounts: Keep $10,000 in the NOW Account, buy three $10,000 CD’s which will be on an 8 month term drawing 2.75% interest, and place the remainder in the Passport Savings (approximately $25,000) drawing 1.25% interest as this money can be transferred freely if needed. On Sunday, January 27, 2008, we had our church-wide birthday party following the Morning Worship Service. There were 12 tables decorated representing each month of the year. An award was given to the “Best Decorated Table”.A total of $2,495 was collected by the WMU for Foreign Missions (not quite meeting the goal of $3,000). However, the GA’s sponsored the Lottie’s Café on February 10, 2008 and raised enough money to surpass the goal by $127.March 16th, 2008 was Men’s Day. The men taught the Sunday School classes and were in charge of the services of the day. The speakers in the Morning Worship Service were Travis Hurt and John Graham. The speakers for the Evening Worship Service were Bob Berger and Keith Benningfield.The choir presented the Easter Cantata entitled “Redeeming Love” on Sunday, March 23, 2008.The Spring Revival was April 20 – 23, 2008. Bro. Buddy Crabtree, pastor of First Baptist Church in Russellville was the evangelist. He is also Ashley Hurt’s father.In the May, 2008 Business Meeting, it was reported that it cost $1,585 to tile the cemetery. Judy and David Farmer donated $585 in memory of Willard and Kevin Farmer. The remainder $1,000 is being paid by the church. Tracer wires were installed to help identify the position of the tiles.The church celebrated Mother’s Day on May 11, 2008 with a reception and time of refreshment prior to Sunday School. Then during the Morning Worship Service each of the mothers was recognized with a gift. Then special recognition and gift was given to honor “The Oldest Mother Present” (Frances Hourigan), “The Youngest Mother Present”(Jessica Benningfield and Ashley Brady), and “The Mother with the Most Children Present” (Jean Sallee).In the June, 2008 business meeting, the Deacons recommended (and it was approved) the following members to serve on the Nominating Committee: Jim Sabo, Jr. (Chairman of the Deacons), Elizabeth Farmer (W. M. U. Director), Sam Graham (Sunday School Director), Lequita Barnett, Jessica Veatch, Sherri Benningfield, and Glenn Cox.Vacation Bible School was held June 2 – 6, 2008 from 6 – 8:30 pm. The theme for the year was “Outrigger Island: Living God’s Unshakable Truth”. Parent’s Night was on the 7th with refreshments after the program. The children also enjoyed playing on an inflatable slide and bounce room. On Sunday prior to Bible School and after the Morning Worship Service, the children led the church in a song, “Let My Actions Match My Passion” and then went outside to release balloons in the air with notes attached telling anyone who found the balloon details about Bible School.Bro. Vic and Joan attended the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana the week of June 8th, 2008.Muldraugh Hill celebrated Father’s Day on June 15, 2008 with recognition of and presentation of a gift to each of the fathers present. Then special recognition and gift was given to honor “The Oldest Father Present” (Jim Bob Moore), “The Youngest Father Present” (Jason Benningfield), and “The Father with the Most Children Present” (Randy Thompson). Fifteen people went to Gulfport, Mississippi from June 21st – 28th, 2008 for a mission trip. Those people were: Lequita Barnett, Annette Dennison, Rita Wise, Ray Stapp, Kellie Wise, Bob Moore, Jessica Veatch, Davette Mays, Jennifer England, Josh England, Jonathan Bright, Tyler Bright, Bro. Vic and Joan Stansbury and their granddaughter Kelsey Thompson. They held Vacation Bible School and did various repair jobs on the church building and in the community that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina.Bro. Vic and Joan proudly announced the birth of another granddaughter, Aubree Reese Stansbury. She was born June 30th, 2008 in Nashville, Tennessee to Jon and Becky. She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and was 20 inches long. During the church year of September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008 there were:•4 additions by baptism and 1 by letter•The Sunday School Attendance average was 129•The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 212 (Muldraugh Hill Baptist church was the highest in the Association)•Total receipts were $193,122Perfect Attendance 2008•Organizational Structure for 2007 - 2008•Those receiving Perfect Attendance Awards (See Attachments of Pictures) were: Josh Veatch (21 years), AnnReynolds (17 years), Kelsey Veatch (8 years), Catherine Sabo (2 years), Amanda Livers (1 year)•The recorded deaths were:oLucy BenningfieldoMarie CaulkoPrather Rafferty On September 7, 2008 a Presentation of Bibles were given to some special long-term Sunday School teachers who had recently retired due to health reasons: Elizabeth Farmer, Emogene Farmer, Joyce Payne, and Bonnie Benningfield. Pictures were taken of the occasion. Bonnie’s son, Jason, received the gift for his mother. Also, Kaylene Poff took pictures of the Active Deacons for the church website.A vote was taken by the members of the church on September 28, 2008 to offer the Minister of Youth position to Willis Dietz (a sophomore at Campbellsville University). Willis is from Madisonville, Kentucky.Amanda Livers was presented with a set of seven Braille song books in October, 2008. She sings in the choir every Sunday and performs solos on occasion.In the October business meeting, the Deacons presented a recommendation (and it was approved) for the following members to serve on the Budget Committee for 2009: John Graham, June Elliott, Dennis Wise, Catherine Sabo, and Melody Mays. In the same meeting the Deacons presented a recommendation (and it was approved) for the following members to serve on the Elevator Committee: Ernest Taylor, David England, Roger Barnett, Donnie Veatch, and Bob Moore. Willis Deitz was accepted as a member of the church (moving his letter from Hanson Baptist Church in Hanson, Kentucky) and he has accepted the position of Minister of Youth. His fiancé’, Whitney Davis was accepted as a member (moving her letter from Grapevine Missionary Baptist in Madisonville, Kentucky. They are to be married in June, 2009.Our Fall Revival was November 16 – 19, 2008. Bro. Donavon Burton, pastor of Bradfordsville Baptist Church, was the evangelist.The choir presented the Christmas Cantata entitled “Celebrate the Gift” on December 21, 2008. A total of $15,040.00 was collected for the annual White Christmas Offering.Bro. Earl Pike (our former pastor) was the guest speaker on January 4, 2009 while Bro. Vic and Joan were on vacation.The Annual Church Birthday Dinner was held on Sunday, January 11th, 2009 after the Morning Worship Service. It was potluck. The tables were not judged this year they were in recent years. Instead, money was deposited in a box called “The Birthday Bank” which was used in the old church. Members were asked to put a penny (or more if they wished) in the box for each year of age the individual was that year. The money collected was used for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. This was the way it was done many years ago.At the February 2009 Business Meeting, it was reported that a total of $3,412.00 was collected for the Lottie Moon Mission Offering.The Youth sponsored the Valentine’s Meal on February 15, 2009. Donations were accepted to help fund future youth activities.From February 27 to March 1, 2009, there was a “Passion for Purity Disciple Now” weekend for our youth at the church, led by our Youth Director, Willis Dietz, and assisted by volunteer parents.On February 22, 2009 in the Evening Worship Service, the movie, Fireproof, was shown. It is a movie produced and directed by Sherwood Pictures, a nonprofit ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. It starred Kirk Cameron and related a story of a failing marriage which started the healing process once the husband was introduced to God and changed his ways to be more God-like. Many churches were showing the movie to their congregation because of the strong moral message.Youth Sunday was March 8, 2009. The youth were in charge of the Morning Worship Services. They were very entertaining and inspirational. Willis Dietz gave the message.On March 15th, 2009, after the Morning Worship Service, the W.M.U. had a meal for the church with donations collected going toward the Annie Armstrong North American Missions Offering. A goal of $1,500 was set and surpassed by $60.00.The church celebrated Men’s Day on Sunday, March 29, 2009. They enjoyed a meal before Sunday School of sausage and biscuits and other breakfast foods. The men were in charge of Sunday School and the Worship Services of the day. The choir was totally men and they performed the special, directed by Jim Sabo, Sr. Howard Farris and Ernest Carol Taylor were the speakers in the Morning Worship Service and Glenn Wright was the speaker in the Evening Worship Service.The church had its annual Easter Sunrise Service on April 12, 2009 in the cemetery across the road from the church.The Spring Revival was held from April 19th through the 22nd. Bro. James Griffith was the speaker for each service. He was a recent graduate of Campbellsville University and Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.In April, 2009, the shrubs were removed between the ramp and the church and replaced with rock.May, 2009 Business Meeting - David England reported that the Elevator Committee received quotes totaling $108,010 to put in the elevator. A motion was made and approved to go ahead with this project when a total of $50,000 is collected in the Elevator Fund.The church celebrated Mother’s Day on May 10, 2009 with a reception and time of refreshment prior to Sunday School. Then during the Morning Worship Service each of the mothers was recognized with a gift. Then special recognition and gift was given to honor “The Oldest Mother Present” (Clara Evans), “The Youngest Mother Present”(Jessica Benningfield), and “The Mother with the Most Children Present” (Vicky Farmer).On Memorial Day Sunday, May 24, 2009, loved ones who had passed away in the previous year were honored by reading their names in a special ceremony during the Morning Worship Service. Also, during the service, a special collection was taken toward the Cemetery Fund. We had been trying to get $50,000 in a Perpetual Care Fund and were only $1,110.89 away from that amount. That goal was reached.June 5 to 20th, 2009 Mission Trip to Darby, Montana and Salt Lake City, Utah – The following people participated in a mission trip to Darby, Montana: Joan Stansbury, Annette Dennison, Davette Mays, Brandon Sallee, Josh England, Jennifer England, Kellie Wise, and Allison Wise. They ministered by helping in Vacation Bible School, Ladies Bible Study and at a Job Corp for troubled teens. Kellie, Allison, Josh and Jennifer stayed the second week in Salt Lake City and helped with Backyard Bible Clubs. June 10, 2009 Business Meeting – The Deacons recommend the following to serve on the Nominating Committee: David England (Chairman of the Deacons), Elizabeth Farmer (W.M.U. Director), Sam Graham (Sunday School Director), LeAnn Moore, Ann Reynolds Lee, Bro. Stansbury, June Elliott, and Jean Peterson. The following members were appointed to serve as messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville, Kentucky: Bro. Stansbury, Joan Stansbury, Willis Deitz, and Josh England.The Church celebrated Father’s Day on June 21, 2009 with recognition of and presentation of a gift to each of the fathers present. Then special recognition and gift was given to honor “The Oldest Father Present” (Jim Bob Moore), “The Youngest Father Present” (Jason Benningfield), and “The Father with the Most Children Present” (Dennis Wise). The Southern Baptist Convention was held in Louisville, Kentucky June 21-24, 2009.Willis Dietz (the Minister of Youth) and Whitney Davis were married on June 27th at Grapevine Baptist Church in Madisonville, Kentucky. Several members of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church attended the wedding and reception.Vacation Bible School was held in July 6-11, 2009 with the theme, “Boomerang Express: It All Comes Back to Jesus”. Wednesday evening of VBS we had 88 students!!! There was a very large crowd for Parent’s Night on Saturday evening. July 12 – July 15, 2009 the following people participated in a mission trip to Manchester Kentucky: Shirley Farmer, her granddaughters Catlin Farmer and Heather Thomas, Betty Whitehouse, Annette Dennison, Leslie Moore, Kellie Wise, James “Obie” and Karen Whitehead, Bro. Vic and Joan Stansbury and their granddaughter Kelsey Thompson.They worked with the Manchester Baptist Church and their ministry “God’s Closet”. While there, they sorted clothes, helped give clothes out to the community people, helped with a Backyard Bible Club and painted the outside of the building that houses “God’s Closet” with an estimated savings of $6,700.00 in labor costs. The group learned that they were working in what has been classified as the 3rd poorest economic county in the United States. Bro. Vic went to Gulfport, Mississippi from August 2nd – 5th, 2009 to preach in a revival and to help teach some classes. A new program called AWANA was started August 30, 2009. It is a ministry for children from 3 years to 6th grade that takes place every Sunday night. It is a time with many activities focusing on learning about God and includes: music, scripture memory, games never played before, and a lesson. Whitney Dietz is the Director of the new program.During the church year of September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009 there were:•4 additions by baptism and 7 by letter•The Sunday School Attendance average was 123•The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 193Allison Sallee Elizabeth Farmer Josh Veatch•Organizational Structure for 2008 - 2009•Those receiving Perfect Attendance Awards were: Elizabeth Farmer (24 years), Josh Veatch (22 years), Kelsey Veatch (10 years), Allison Sallee (3 years)•The recorded deaths were:oBarbara CooperoKatie CoxoRandall NewcomboErnie PylesoEddie YatesoB. J. LanhamThis concludes the addendum to the history of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church. The full history of the church can be viewed online at www.muldraughhill.org or at the following libraries: Taylor County Public Library, Marion County Public Library, and Campbellsville University Library.