© Website By:  (CK Poff) Copyright © 2002-2025 [CK Poff for Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church]. All rights reserved. Revised: 1/16/2025

The History Of


(January, 2000-August, 2004) Barbara Jean Benningfield, Melody Mays, and June Elliott compiled the history of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church from 2000 to Present. Much appreciation goes to these ladies who spent many hours gathering information from church and associational minutes, church records and bulletins, and individual sources. A ladies Bible study began January 31st, 2000. This study contained reflections on the life of David and was entitled “A Heart Like His” by Beth Moore. We were given the status of our loans for the new addition in a business meeting held February 9, 2000. The loan is up for renewal and needs to be finalized on February 19th. We still owe Isaac Tatum $4,000. We have $5,102.59 in our Building Fund Savings Account. Including all interest we owe Citizen’s National Bank (Lebanon) $87,287.10. A motion was made to pay $27,287.10 on our loan from our regular checking account. That will make our loan total $60,000 from Citizen’s Bank. The motion was approved. February 20, 2000 the church bulletin reads: “This week we made our final loan at Citizens Bank on the new building. Our final loan at the bank will be $60,000 plus we have already had a loan with the Houchen’s Foundation for $50,000 that we have already made a year’s payments on. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, our final loans were a lot less than we anticipated. The loan from Houchen’s was set up for 15 years at 5% interest, with a payment of $400 a month. We want to thank all of you for your continued support. Thanks to people who donated time, labor, equipment, and money to make this building a possibility. Thanks to those who have donated chairs, tables, kitchen appliances and supplies, wiring for telephones, decorations, basketball goals/equipment and volleyball equipment." The church bulletin of November 5, 2000 states: “This past week we paid off our $60,000 note at Citizens Bank on our new building. This note was taken out in February of this year and has been paid off in just a few short months. Let us give God the praise for what He is doing in our church. We still have a note taken out with Houchen's Foundation for $50,000 toward our building. We have made almost two years payment on this note." A note burning for the Citizens Bank loan was held Sunday morning November 26, 2000. A personnel committee recommended Dawn Yates as Minister of Youth April 23, 2000. Dawn is a member of the church and a student at Campbellsville University. She accepted the position after the church voted to call her Sunday May 7, 2000. Dawn had served on mission teams to Texas, Eastern Kentucky and Brookhaven Mission in Lebanon, KY. In June of 2000 Dawn traveled to Taiwan for eight weeks to serve as a summer missionary there. In July 2001 Dawn along with Bro. Stansbury and Joan accompanied a group of our youth to Arlington, Texas on a mission trip. Dawn later resigned to take employment in Louisville, KY. Wayne Downs from Henderson, KY and a student at Campbellsville University had helped Dawn with the youth for a while and had gone to youth camp with them. On Sunday morning August, 2001 the church voted to call Wayne Downs as Minister of Youth. He served in this capacity for about a year. Wayne was given permission to take down the wall between the two rooms adjoining the old kitchen and use it for a youth room. He also helped build a pantry in what was formerly a men’s restroom. Wayne resigned to take a position at Lebanon Baptist Church. In the mean time parents of the youth and some of the older youth served as youth leaders. December 8, 2002, Eddie Fightmaster was called to be Minister of Youth. He is a student at Campbellsville University and from Louisville, Kentucky. Darrin Jenkins, Minister of Music submitted his resignation the first part of February 2000. Assistant Band Director at Campbellsville University, Tim Michaels led the music September 3, 2000. October 1, 2000 he was called to be Minister of Music. We have been without a music director for quite some time. Two of our members, Benny Battcher and Jim Sabo have been leading the singing in the Sunday worship services. The organ the church is presently using was purchased in July 1978. April 5, 2000 it was brought to our attention the organ needed extensive repair. After several inquiries we learned repairs would be quite expensive and repairmen were few and far between. In September 2002 the music committee was asked to look into the possibility of purchasing a new instrument. A decision was made to cease the opening assembly for Sunday School in July 2000. This was done so there would be more time in Sunday School classes. In July 2000 the church was asked to donate copies of the Church History to Marion and Taylor County Public libraries and Campbellsville University. Mature Living magazine was subscribed to for Senior Adults. Repair work to the nursery area began in August of 2000. The adjoining paneled room is now part of the nursery. The walls were dry-walled and painted, and new carpet was laid. A wide screen television and VCR were purchased in September of 2000 for $1625. Ping-pong tables, a coat rack and a soft drink machine were added to the fellowship hall in 2002. Central Association hosted a tent revival at Willisburg Baptist Church in Washington County September 17 – 20, 2000. An associational wide revival was also held September 22-25, 2002 at Lebanon Baptist Church and Woodlawn Baptist Church in Lebanon. Bill Saye was the evangelist for both times. Our church participated in the services. A proposed bid for blacktopping the drive at the sides and rear of the new addition was approved in the business meeting of October 4, 2000. Ernest Taylor was asked to choose and activate Internet Service for Bro. Stansbury’s personal computer. December 2000 Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church went on-line with Kentucky-On-Line. The e-mail address is mhbc@kyol.net. A committee was appointed to buy a computer for the church office in March 2002. No purchase has been made as of January 2003. A committee was appointed in August 2002 to construct a church web site and keep it updated. It was reported at October’s business meeting that the web site is up and running. The address is www.muldraughhill.org. On Sunday, November 12, 2000 the church commemorated twenty years of service by Bro. Stansbury to Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church. Following is the event as found in the Lebanon Enterprise: "After months of secret meetings to plan and prepare a surprise celebration for the 20th anniversary of Vic and Joan Stansbury with Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church, the big day, November 12, finally arrived. This was an exciting day and will be listed as one of the most memorable days in the history of our church. The day began with 176 in Sunday School as we studied from the book of Isaiah. There were 343 members and visitors present for the morning message, which was taken from the book of Luke and the story of the prodigal son. Many members of the Stansbury family were among the visitors who came to join us in our celebration. Special music was presented by Benny and Karen Battcher. Bro. Vic preached his first sermon as pastor of our church on November 30, 1980. His children, Vickie, Chris and Jon, have grown up and received their education in Marion County. All are now college graduates and are living in other areas of Kentucky and Tennessee. Following the morning worship service, a potluck meal was served in the decorated fellowship hall. A cake decorated for the occasion was presented for the Stansburys to cut and was then served as dessert. The afternoon service began with music presented by Bonnie Wicker, Estelle Brady, Anita Lanham, Goldie Graham, Nettie Summers, Tim Michaels and Tina Bradshaw. Mark Carney served as Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon program as we enjoyed comments and stories from Ron Rafferty, Ernest Taylor, Dr. Michael Carter, Rev. John Chowning, Rev. Al Hardy, Rev. Earl Pike, Steve Skaggs, Jim Durham, Rev. J. W. Hatfield, Max Richerson, John and Jan Simpson, Davette Mays, Billy Veatch, Sam Graham, and Ron & Jan Ellis. The church family presented the Stansburys with hand made beautiful cherry bedroom furniture and an elegant oak grandfather clock as gifts to honor their many years of faithful service to the church. A pictorial tribute composed of 585 slides with events of the last 20 years, designed and presented by Kaylene Poff was then shown. The afternoon service concluded at approximately 5:30 p.m. with all present joining hands and singing “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”. We realize that the pastorate of Victor Stansbury extends beyond our church to many areas of Marion and Taylor counties. We recognize his love for God. We appreciate and love this couple very much and feel that God has blessed us through their leadership. We look forward to many more years together." The following is a poem presented to Bro. Vic and Joan at the 20th Anniversary Celebration during the roast and prior to showing the Pictorial Tribute in the Fellowship Hall: On Sunday, December 3rd, 2000 Sunday School attendance dropped to 65 because of snow. Christmas caroling the following Wednesday had to be postponed also because of bad weather. During the church year of 2000, there were 7 additions by baptism and 8 by letter; the Sunday School Attendance average was 148; the budget for the year was $140,200.58, and the recorded deaths were: Edith Craig Kevin Farmer Irene Maupin Sarah Taylor Chester Paul Whitehouse In the business meeting of January 2001 we voted to make a distinction between "Building Fund" and "Building Fund Loan". Money given to pay on the debt for the new addition will need to be marked "Building Fund Loan". Money marked "Building Fund" will go into a fund to take care of our church building needs such as a new roof, some other maintenance or repairs as needed. There was a discussion of whether the church would benefit from being incorporated in April 2001. No action was taken at this time. In October 2002 the church voted to have a lawyer draw up a proposal for incorporating the church and present it for the church’s approval. A group from the church attended the Billy Graham Crusade in Louisville, KY June 21st, 2001. On July 15th, 2001 the Sunday bulletin reads: “Over the last few weeks, we have had several extra expenses at the church. We have had our tractor with belly-mower worked on costing over $340. The Cub Cadet has blown an engine and we don’t know what it is going to cost to fix it. We put tires on the van and other work on it that has amounted to about $800. We have put a new roof on the church building at a cost of around $7,000 and repaired a sidewalk that cost around $800. It is expensive to keep things going. It takes all of us giving and working together to meet the expenses of the church." September 11, 2001 about 8:45 a.m. America was attacked by terrorists. Two jet planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. Minutes later the Pentagon in Washington, DC was also hit by a plane. Thousands lost their lives and America suffered a great financial loss. (President – George W. Bush and Vice-President – Dick Chenney) On Sunday, September 16th the bulletin reads: "This has been a very hard week for our nation. We have all been deeply touched by the mass destruction and loss of human life brought about by terrorist attacks in New York and Washington DC. Each of us need to remember that our God is a loving God and the One we need to turn to in a time like this. Let us be in prayer for our nation and all those who have been affected by this terrible attack. Our hearts and prayers need to go out to the families of those who lost loved ones and for the injured. We need to keep those who are medical workers, police officers, and rescue workers in our prayers as they cope with the awful task before them. Pray for our President, Vice President, Congress and the leaders of our nation and other nations as they seek to respond to the situation. Continue to lift up our servicemen that may be called on to risk their lives to respond to this terrible act. Also pray for those who are responsible for planning this act of aggression that they might come to know the true God of love and be converted from their evil ways." September 30, 2001: This past week, Nick Szymansky, one of our former Ministers of Music and Youth passed away in Louisville, KY. Nick served our church from September 1981 to November 1983. Nick’s wife, Marty, started Mission Friends while she was here and Nick started the Sunday School Gazette. Another former Minister of Music and Youth, Steve Skaggs, was ordained November 4, 2001 at Valley View Baptist Church in Vine Grove, Ky. During the church year of 2001, there were 3 additions by baptism and 6 by letter; the Sunday School Attendance average was 142; total receipts were $136,597.05, and the recorded deaths were: Jessie Benningfield Jesse Cox Cundiff Lettie Mann Elbert Caulk Lucille Wise Lester Farmer The Building Committee was asked to get information/estimates/bids for an elevator or lift in the new addition in March 2002. In June the committee reported that an elevator in the new addition would cost $50,000. A lift could be installed for 16 to 20 thousand dollars but state codes will not allow a lift to go through a floor. If enough interest is shown a fund could be established and when a designated amount is reached we could go ahead with the project. No action was taken. The family of Evelyn Cooper donated a shawl to the church in April 2002. The shawl was worn at the dedication of the first church in 1874. The History Committee was appointed to have this bit of history preserved by framing it in a shadow box. At July’s business meeting there was a first reading of a proposal to amend the Constitution By-Laws Article VII Section 7 and to add Section 15. Article VII Section 7 changes the number of members on the Personnel Committee from three to five. Adding Section 15 to Article VII forms a Youth Advisory Committee. The amendment was approved in the business meeting of August. On September 8, 2002, the church bulletin read: “We would like to start running the church van on Sundays to pick up people for church but in order to do this we need people who would be willing to drive the van”. Volunteers were asked to sign the insert and turn it in. This idea was first mentioned June 13th, 1999 and again in January 2003. There have been meetings of people willing to drive the van, but as of January 2003 nothing definite has been done regarding the matter. Amended regulations for use of the church van were approved in November 2002. Central Association asked its churches to gather at the Marion and Washington county courthouses the first Saturday in October 2002. They were asked to gather at 10:00 a.m. to pray for their county and the people of their county. During the church year of 2002, there were 4 additions by baptism; the Sunday School Attendance average was 131; total receipts were $134,513.25; and the recorded deaths were: Louise Melton Charlie Wise, Jr. Cora Inman Evelyn Cooper Kelly Thompson Edna Porter Winnie Porter The Sunday School Director for 2002-2003 was Kelly Holderman; the Sunday School Director for 2003-2004 is Sam Graham. During the church year of 2003, there were 2 additions by baptism and 7 by letter; the Sunday School Attendance average was 129; and the budget was $136,395.28. Larry Bright was ordained as a deacon on September 28, 2003. Several repairs and improvements were made to the church’s properties in the year 2003. A new roof was placed over the existing one on the Fellowship Hall due to faulty shingles. Replacement windows and doors were installed on the parsonage and a dehumidifier was placed in the basement. A porch and ramp was added to the south side of the church building. Air conditioning units for the church sanctuary were replaced. The Sunday school rooms in the basement of the church were painted and the windows replaced with thermal windows. The carpet and pews in the sanctuary were cleaned by Coit Cleaners of Louisville in November. Several trees were removed from the cemeteries at New Market and some fencing was done around the unused cemetery. A row of pine trees was planted on the south side of the parsonage in November. A fifteen passenger van was purchased from Pickerill Motor in Lebanon for $16,000 dollars in October 2003. At the September 2003 business meeting Chris Stansbury, an attorney, presented The Articles of Incorporation. He stated most of the paper work involved had been completed. A motion was made to proceed with the legalities of becoming incorporated. In March our country became engaged in war with Iraq. A special prayer service was held Sunday night March 30th for our service men and women. Those present were asked to name a loved one or someone they knew in the service or deployed to the Persian Gulf for prayer. Beginning September 7th and going through December 15th, the Kentucky Baptist Convention asked its churches to participate in “100 Days of Prayer”. A prayer guide was given out by the Convention to help with prayer concerns. The Convention held a special International Mission Board Appointment Service for missionaries at Rupp Arena in Lexington during their annual meeting November 11, 2003. Churches were urged to bring their members to this special service. Some of the men and boys participated in a church softball league in Campbellsville. Other recreation activities included the youth traveling to Six Flags KY Kingdom for a Christian Concert Day, Youth Camp, church wide swimming party at the Campbellsville City Pool, Youth bowling, Senior Citizens meal, an occasional trip to Lincoln Jamboree, annual picnic and worship service at the farm of Marion and Joyce Payne, and a fall festival in October. The Fellowship Hall was opened one night a week for recreation. The Marion County Board of education has used the Fellowship Hall for a third year for a summer reading program. Gary Vidito, a former Minister of Music, presented a program of music entitled “Generation Reconciliation” February 9th. He is presently serving as Minister of Music at Taylorsville Baptist Church. In July a Civil War Band from New Mexico, participating in the Civil War Festival at Campbellsville University, performed special music for the morning worship service July 27th. John Wesley Farmer who attended church here for much of his youth died September 16, 2003 in Lexington, Kentucky at the age of 78. He was the son of the late Alvin and Nettie Farmer. He is survived by his wife Bernice Jarboe Farmer and two children Lynn Farmer and Karen Marshall. Two sisters also survive Esther Veatch and Frances Skaggs. He became an ordained minister on December 8, 1949. His pastorates included Pikes Ridge Baptist and Walnut Hill Baptist Church in Taylor County, Kentucky; Menlo Baptist Church in Menlo, GA; Buice Memorial Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA; Little Untion Baptist Church in Fairfield, KY; First Baptist Church in Irvine, KY; First Baptist Church in Carrollton, KY; and Mt. Gilboa Baptist Church in Taylor County, KY. He was buried in Campbellsville at Brookside Cemetery with full military honors. Quoting from the Bullein of December 21, 2003: “Our White Christmas Offering” will be taken up during the morning worship service. As in years past you will be given an opportunity to designate your offering to where you would like it to go. We still owe close to $17,000 dollars on our building, about $14,000 on our van and $5,000 dollars for our milti-periol insurance. We also have a goal of $1,500 dollars for International Missions, a cemetery fund, reclad Steeple Fund, New Organ Fund, etc. We also have large heating bills for the next few months. Money not designated will go into the regular offering to help meet our bills." We had an outstanding White Christmas offering of $16,188!!! On January 5, 2004, the paperwork was sent in for the Articles of Incorporation. On January 18, 2004 we had our first annual birthday celebration after the morning worship service. A table was decorated for EACH month of the year (we had some awesome tables) and members sat at their birthday month table. The church furnished a large birthday cake. The youngest and oldest member was recognized at each table. The oldest member present was Mrs. Lucy Benningfield (age 93) and Avery Rayann Cochran daughter of Kevin & Tracy Mays Cochran (age 2 months) was the youngest member. The tables were judged and an award was given to the best decorated table. The event was enjoyed by all!!! The morning and evening worship services were cancelled January 25, 2004 because of an ice storm. Several surrounding churches cancelled also. Larry Hunt, a layman from Taylor County, spoke at Sunday morning worship services, January 18. Larry and two other men went to Africa on a mission trip. Our church gave $560.00 to help with their expenses. Larry spoke to the church about his trip June 13th. Dr. Eugene Shively spoke and showed slides of his recent Medical Mission Trip to Togoa, Africa on Sunday night May 23rd. Other mission projects, besides our special mission offerings, included purchasing school supplies for Brookhaven Mission in Lebanon and soccer balls for missionary Joe Beal to take to children in South Africa. The basement of the church was painted in March, 2004. On March 2, 2004, Bro and Mrs. Stansbury became grandparents for the second time. A girl, Haylee Ray, was born to Chris and Heather Stansbury. Jason Logan’s first Sunday with us as Minister of Music was March 21st. He is from Bowling Green, KY and a student at Campbellsville University. A group from the church attended an Easter play March 25 at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville. Some of our members attended the “Passion for Christ” movie in Bardstown, KY on April 17th. A group of ladies traveled to Lexington, KY in August to attend a Beth Moore Conference in Rupp arena. A carport was installed in May to serve as shelter for our vans. On May 29, 2004 copies of the paperwork were sent to Frankfort for the Articles of Incorporation (since the paperwork sent in January had been lost!). Eddie Fightmaster, our Minister of Youth, and Teresa Sermon were married May 29, 2004. Eddie and Teresa were instrumental in starting a Puppet Ministry with our youth this year. Bro. Stansbury issued a challenge to the church in the bulletin dated June 20, 2004: “As of Tuesday, June 10, 2004, we owed $10,894.22 on our new addition. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get this paid off by our 130th anniversary celebration on November 7, 2004? If 50 people gave an extra $220.00 each we would have $11,000. There are approximately 20 weeks between now and the 130th anniversary, so that would average about $11.00 a week per person until then. Even better, if 100 people would contribute an extra $110.00 you also have $11,000. Spread that out over 20 weeks and that would be $5.50 per person per week. The most of us spend more than that for soft drinks or something else in a week. I would like to challenge us to work together to pay this off by our 130th anniversary”. The MHBC Men’s Church League Softball Team began play again June 28th at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Campbellsville. We were saddened to learn that the wives of two of our former pastors passed away: Mrs. Mildred Janell Hullette on May 30, 2004 and Mrs. Gladys Carrier, on August 12, 2004. Our Articles of Incorporation were filed July 13, 2004. (Receipt #0590254.09, Trey Grayson, Secretary of State). An associational wide revival was held August 22 – 26, 2004 with Rev. Al Norris as evangelist. Nightly services were at Temple Baptist Church, Springfield Baptist Church and Willisburg Baptist Church in Washington County. The church choir participated in the annual Central Baptist Association Music Night September 12 at Springfield, KY. Work began the week of September 27, 2004 on the renovation of the steps and ramp out front. Henry Brockman is doing the work. You do not have to step up now to get in the front door of the church!!! Bro. Vic announced on Sunday morning, October 3, 2004, that the loan on the new addition was paid in full!!! So we will be having a note burning at our 130 year celebration service Sunday morning, November 7, 2004. During the church year of 2004 (from September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004), there were 5 additions by baptism and 8 by letter; the Sunday School Attendance average was 130; and the recorded deaths were: Bernice Brockman Hattie Carrender Brandon Price Sunday School Director for 2004-2005, Kelly Holderman. The budget of $147,991.74 began January 1, 2004 and went through December 31, 2004. The budget called for an average weekly collection of $2,846.00.
You’ve told us many times this year How long you’ve been with us. Has it really been that long Twenty years or so this month? We’ve done a little research And what you say is true It doesn’t really seem that long The time has certainly flew. In our investigation We uncovered many facts About the twenty years gone by We document these stats. You were thirty-five the day you came To visit with our church A trial sermon was the test To finalize our search. We were pleased and recommended The church to vote for you. To serve God as our pastor As you were willing to. You took the challenge and moved in To the parsonage and our hearts We stored up a host of memories Of which we now impart. We’ve added on some classrooms And a brand new fellowship hall Made cookbooks and directories And bought hymnals for us all.
We built a ramp onto the porch Bought a piano and a van Remodeled the sanctuary And let you visit the Holy Land. We celebrated milestones Of our church’s history We dressed old-fashion and fellowshipped With the surrounding community. Take note of all these changes That have happened ore’ the years The happy times, the tragedies The laughter, and the tears. The weddings and the funerals Baptisms and births You shared in our joys and sorrows This gesture has great worth. We’ve gathered all these memories Sorted pictures for you to view. It took the family of the church To prepare these slides for you. So sit back comfortably with us all And watch the picture show It’s done to thank you for the years And to you, our love bestow
Thank You For Your Service Kaylene Poff (November, 2000)
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