© Website By:  (CK Poff) Copyright © 2002-2025 [CK Poff for Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church]. All rights reserved. Revised: 1/16/2025

The History Of


(September 2009 through August 2012) Several members of the church went on a trip to Cumberland Falls on September 10th, 2009. Three couples in the group had their honeymoons at Lake Cumberland several years ago. It was a beautiful day and a fun trip for all. On Sunday, October 25, 2009, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church had a dinner and a dedication service. Donations were accepted to help with the shipping cost of the shoeboxes. These shoeboxes, numbering 474, were packed by volunteers prior to the dinner. It costs $7.00 to ship each box. The donations collected before, during, and since the dinner now total $3,050. Praise God! This is just $268 shy of reaching the goal. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this project in any way, including volunteer work and providing monetary funding. Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church celebrated its 135th Anniversary November 4th - 8th of 2009 A reprint of the cookbook, originally printed in 1981, was completed by popular demand and made available for purchase during the anniversary event. The schedule of speakers for the 135th Anniversary were as follows: November 4th (Wednesday at 7:00 pm) - Rev. Harold Meers November 5th (Thursday at 7:00 pm) - Rev. Earl Pike November 6th (Friday at 7:00 pm) - Rev. Steve Skaggs November 7th (Saturday at 7:00 pm) - The Polston Family November 8th (Sunday Morning Worship at 11:00 am) - Rev. Victor Stansbury Four baptisms were performed (Alyssa Farmer, Caroline Farmer, Will Farmer, and Marcus Moore). The service was followed with a potluck meal and pictorial video. November 11, 2009 Business Meeting: (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) The "Hanging of the Greens" service was held on November 29, 2009 in the Evening Worship Service. It took just a few minutes to see the church sanctuary come alive with greenery and festive atmosphere. Everyone brought a non-perishible food item to place under the Christmas tree. Those items are to be taken to the Lebanon Community Center to help the less fortunate in the community. Finger foods were brought in order to have a time of fellowship after the service in the Fellowship Hall. December 9, 2009 Business Meeting - The only new business was the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2010 with a total of $186,995.82. It was approved without changes. The Annual White Christmas Offering was collected on December 20, 2009 during the Morning Worship Service. The total amount received was $17,045. Members filed by a little white wooden church to deposit their gift. The church choir, led by Jim Sabo, Sr., presented the Christmas performance entitled, "A Carol to the King". A special love offering of appreciation was collected and given to the following for their hard work and dedication the past year: Bro. Vic and Joan, the Church Secretary (Debbie Farris), the Song Leader (Jim Sabo, Sr.), the Youth Leader (Willis Deitz), the custodian (Anita Lanham), and the musicians (Wanda Buckler, June Elliott, Annette Dennison, and Martha Whitehouse). Kelly Holderman, one of the deacons, died on Sunday, December 27, 2009. He was a good Christian man who was sincerely dedicated to serving the will of God. He will be greatly missed. The monthly Business Meeting was held January 6, 2010. It was reported the the Lottie Moon Offering goal was surpassed with $3,056.39 collected. It was also reported that the Deacons presented Josephine Holderman a Bible in memory of Kelly. Sunday School Services had to be cancelled on January 31, 2010 due to 3 to 5 inches of snow and hazardous road conditions. Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church had its Annual Church-wide Birthday Celebration Party on February 7, 2010 to celebrate everyone's birthday through the year. The party was held after the Morning Worship Service in the Fellowship Hall. Jim Sabo, Sr. led the congregation in the song, "Happy Birthday to You" at the close of the Morning Worship Service and David England said the prayer of thanks for the meal and Benediction. The meal was potluck with the church furnishing the meat. Everyone had a good time of fellowship and great food. Donations were deposited in a box called "The Birthday Bank" which was used in the old church. Members were asked to put a penny (or more if they wished) in the box for each year of age the individual is this year.(This was the way it was done many years ago.) The money collected is used for "God's Closet" in Manchester, Kentucky. The winter of 2010 proved to be a very snowy season. There were several snow storms producing 2 to 10 inches of snow in this region of Kentucky. Wednesday night services, including Business Meeting, had to be cancelled on February 10, 2010 due to the hazardous road conditions. The monthly Business Meeting was held on February 17, 2010. (Click to view a summary of the minutes. ) The monthly Business Meeting was held March 10, 2010. The Messengers for the Associational Meeting to be held the last Monday in March will be: Bro. Vic Stansbury, Joan Stansbury, Elizabeth Farmer, Arlene Mullins, Evelyn Burress, and Willis Deitz. It was approved that a special offering be taken up for Jody Yates, who just experienced a house fire and lost everything. The Sanctuary Choir presented the Easter Cantata, "Jesus Christ is Lord", during the Morning Worship Service on March 28, 2010. The choir is directed by Jim Sabo, Sr. There were 146 in attendance for Sunday School on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010. An estimated 290 people attended the Morning Worship Service. The monthly Business Meeting was held April 9, 2010. A decision was made to have the Transportation Committee look into the price for a van that would be easier to get into without steps. Men's Day was celebrated on April 11, 2010. The men and boys met at 9:15 for breakfast. Then the men lead all of the services for the Morning and Evening Worship Services along with the the Sunday School hour. The choir was comprised only of men and they performed a song at the beginning of the Morning Worship Service. The choir was led by Jim Sabo, Sr. David England was the pianist. Paul Helm played a special piece on the piano during the Offering. Josh England played the guitar and sang for the special music. The speakers in the Morning Worship Service were Greg Taylor and Steve Morris. The speakers in the Evening Worship Service were Glenn Cox and Tommy Manges. Youth Sunday, an annual event, was held on April 18, 2010. The youth were in charge of the Morning Worship Service. Josh England led the music, Carrie Fowler gave the Children's Church message, Amanda Livers performed a solo and rang the 11:00 bell, 6 youth collected the offering, 5 performed a song to Sign Language, and Erin Cox delivered the message. The Kentucky Baptist Convention asked that April 18, 2010 be designated for High Attendance Sunday School. Muldraugh Hill participated in this and reported 133 in Sunday School. Mother's Day was celebrated on May 9, 2010. The mothers enjoyed a breakfast and time of fellowship before Sunday School. During the Morning Worship Service, each mother present was presented with a Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church mug. Tracy Cochran did a reading. Special recognition was given to the "Oldest Mother Present" (Frances Rucker), the "Youngest Mother Present" (Brittany Cox), and the "Mother with the Most Children Present" (Jean Sallee after choosing the number 10 out of 25). Several mothers were recognized as having children since the last Mother's Day. The monthly Business Meeting was held May 12, 2010. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) The monthly Business Meeting was held June 9, 2010. (Click to view a summary of the minutes. ) All the fathers that were present during the Morning Worship Service on June 20, 2010 were honored with the presentation of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church mugs. Special recognition was given for the "Father With the Most Children Present" (Jim Reed); the "Oldest Father Present" (Milton Farmer at age 97); and the "Youngest Father Present" (Josh Veatch). The monthly Business Meeting was held July 7, 2010. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) The monthly Business Meeting was held August 4, 2010. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) During the church year of September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010 there were: 12 additions by baptism and 7 by letter The Sunday School Attendance average was 117 The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 206 Organizational Structure for 2009 - 2010 Those receiving Perfect Attendance Awards were: Allison Sallee (4 years) and Kelsey Veatch (11 years) Perfect Attendance The recorded deaths were: o Jerry Wise o Kelly Holderman (Deacon) o Thelma Jean Yates o Elwood Porter The monthly Business Meeting was held September 8, 2010. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) On Sunday, September 26, 2010, Willis Dietz announced his resignation to be effective October 6th. He will be moving to Nicholasville, Kentucky. The new church van arrived and was displayed for all to see on Sunday, October 3, 2010. A special offering was collected on Sunday, October 10th with $2,984.95 received. The church name still needs to be added. The monthly Business Meeting was held on October 6, 2010. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) The monthly Business Meeting was held on November 17, 2010. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) Bro. Vic and Joan were honored on November 21, 2010 with a 30th Anniversary Celebration of their years of service at MHBC. This was done during the Morning Worship Service and extended in the afternoon with a potluck meal and speakers. Cake, made by Clara Evans, was served with punch after the meal. Bro. Al Hardy was the guest speaker during the Morning Worship Service. Mark Carney was the Master of Ceremonies for the event. The MHBC Adult Choir, The Sabo Family (Jim, Sr., Catherine, Jim, Jr., Austin, and MaKayla), and Paul Helm performed special music during the Morning Worship Service. Terry Cox (the first baby born after Bro. Vic became the pastor of MHBC) rang the bell thirty times instead of the usual 11. The children born since Bro. Vic became the pastor of MHBC that were in attendance were recognized, as were the couples married by Bro. Vic, and those that were baptized by him. The Puppets performed during Children's Church. Kellie Wise presented a card to Bro. Vic and Joan signed by all the children and youth of the church. Kellie Wise and Allison Wise presented a book filled with cards and letters and pictures taken through the years. Melody Mays read a poem and presented a inscribed necklace to Joan. Kaylene Poff read a message to Bro. Vic., then assisted Dennis Wise (Chairman of the Deacons) by presenting Bro. Vic with a crystal plaque noting his 30 years of service and a monetary gift of $3,000 from the church with an additional love offering of $1,895.00. The Pulpit Committee of 1980 were recognized (Sam Graham, Smith Mays, Tommy Wilcher, David Veatch, and in memory of Raymond England) and they (and their spouses) led Bro. Vic, Joan, and family to the Fellowship Hall for the meal and rest of the service. Ernest Taylor lead the prayer prior to the meal. After the meal, Bro. John Chowning (pastor of Saloma Baptist Church and Vice President for Church and External Relations at Campbellsville University), Jim Durham (Minister of Music of Greensburg Baptist Church), Bro. J.W. Hatfield (Pastor of Willisburg Baptist Church and Director of Missions for Central Association), Dan Durham (Pastor of Stewart's Creek Baptist Church), Jon Stansbury, and Chris Stansbury were guest speakers. A photographer was present to document the event. Attached is the event program that was provided to all in attendance. A detailed program schedule is attached that was used by the "Secret Committee". The monthly Business Meeting was held on December 8, 2010. The 2011 budget was presented by Melody Mays, a representative of the Budget Committee, and was approved by those present. New business related to an amendment of the Constitution and By-Laws regarding the purchase of items costing greater than $10,000 was discussed and directed to the Committee for further work. On Sunday, December 19, 2010, during the Morning Worship Service, $11,090.00 was given for the annual White Christmas Offering. On Sunday, December, 19, 2010, in the Evening Worship Service, "The Ornament Musical Drama" was presented by the Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church Choir under the direction of Jim Sabo, Sr. and the play directed by Kaylene Poff with Assistant Director, Shea Poff. Caroline Reed read the introduction to the play. Adam Poff managed the audio for the actors and choir; Josh Veatch managed the video; Kellie Wise (with the assistance of Caroline Reed) managed the props; Bob Moore designed the set (several men of the church assembled and disassembled the set as needed); Thomas Poff managed the lighting; the youth and children participated in the caroling scene. The actors were as follows (as appeared in the play): Mark Carney (Henry), Bobbie Fowler (Cynthia), Jim Reed (Zach), Austin Sabo (Lucas), Will Fowler (Charlie), Mark Speer (Jake), April Biggs (Anne), Carrie Fowler (Shasta), Larry Bright (Pastor), Mark Thomas (The Count), Ernest Carol Taylor (Hawk), and Evelyleen Taylor (Melanie). The detailed program can be viewed, as can the advertising homeless poster and Keagan poster. The serious Keagan Family Picture and funny Keagan Family Picture can be viewed as well. The monthly Business Meeting was held on January 5, 2011. Some old business related to an amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws and new business related to Guidelines for the Establishment of Emergency funds were discussed but not finalized. The church family was very saddened upon the death of June Farmer Elliott on February 12, 2011 at the age of 57. She was a pianist/organist for the church for many years. She also served as a Sunday School teacher and on multiple committees. She sang in the adult choir and helped with a lot of other church and community activities. She will be greatly missed. The monthly Business meeting for February had to be delayed a week due to snow and hazardous driving conditions. It was held on February 16, 2011. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) Bro. Vic's younger brother by 18 months, Charles Franklin Stansbury, died suddenly on March 4, 2011 (born February 21, 1947) of a heart attack. He was a CPA in Moorehead but his funeral was held in Nelson County at New Salem Baptist Church of Cox's Creek, Kentucky. He was buried a few yards from where the Stansbury family was raised and close to where the house stood. Bro. Vic's mother had sold the property to the church and a graveyard was formed. Bro. Vic officiated his brother's funeral. The monthly Business meeting was held on March 10, 2011. It was noted that the new audio mixer arrived last week and was used for the first time last Sunday. The organ could be heard in the video with the new system. The sound for this area has not been heard for some time on the old system. Youth Sunday was held March 13, 2011. The youth were in charge of all the services of the morning, including speaking and special music. Men's Day was held March 27, 2011. The men lead all of the services for the Morning and Evening Worship Services along with the the Sunday School hour. The choir was comprised only of men and they performed a song at the beginning of the Morning Worship Service. Sam Graham and Mark Speer were the speakers in the Morning Worship Service. Bob Moore and Larry Reynolds were the speakers in the Evening Worship Service. The monthly Business meeting for April was delayed until April 13, 2011 as the spring revival was held the first week of April. No changes were made and no new items to discuss. Mother's Day was celebrated on May 8, 2011. The mothers enjoyed a breakfast and time of fellowship before Sunday School. During the Morning Worship Service, each mother present was presented with a Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church mirrored compact. Special recognition was given to the "Oldest Mother Present" (Frances Rucker), the "Youngest Mother Present" (Kristin Cox), and the "Mother with the Most Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren Present" (Helen Mays). Three mothers were recognized as having children since the last Mother's Day (Stacey Bartley, Stephanie Gay, and Sharon Ewing). Exie Shively was recognized as being the oldest mother of MHBC (over 100). She is unable to be present for the service as she is homebound. Her daughter, Judy Benniningfield accepted a vase of flowers on her behalf. The monthly Business Meeting for May was held on May 11, 2011. No changes were made and no new items to discuss. The monthly Business Meeting was held on June 8, 2011. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) Father's Day was celebrated on June 19, 2011. All the fathers present were recognized during the Morning Worship Service and presented with a small screwdriver/flashlight tool with scripture engraving. Special recognition was given to he "Oldest Father Present" (Jim Bob Moore), the "Youngest Father Present" (Josh Veatch), and the "Father with the Most Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren Present" (Smith Mays). Vacation Bible School was held June 20 - 24th, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. This years Bible School was entitled, "Big Apple Adventure: Where Faith and life Connect". Children from preschool to 6th grade attended. The Business Meeting for July was held on July 6, 2011. Insurance has allowed $31,500 to replace the roof on the church and parsonage. The trustees are to get bids and were given the authority to proceed up to $41,000. They will report back with findings. On July 13, 2011, fifteen people traveled to Athens/Madison, Alabama for a Mission Trip. Those who made the trip were: Bro Vic & Joan; Tracy & Avery Cochran; Melody & Davette Mays; Larry, Carol & Tabitha Reynolds; Kelsey Thompson (Stansbury granddaughter); Kellie Wise; Annette Dennison; Obie Whitehead; and Steve & Carolyn Morris. A report of the mission trip as described by Melody Mays: "The Mission Team stayed at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church in Madison, AL. Facilities were the nicest we have EVER stayed in. That church and neighboring churches prepared our meals for us (we had never had that before). Thursday morning we worked around the home picking up trash, etc., waiting on dry wallers to get done in the house. Joan went to Walmart and Sherwinn Williams to pick up all our supplies. Thursday afternoon a group consisting of Joan, Carolyn, Tabitha, Avery, Davette, Annette and Melody went to a local food bank On Friday, the team caulked, primed and painted walls and woodwork in this approximately 1400 square ft. home. For a short time, a group in between rains, went to another location to pick up debri. This group consisted of Kelsey, Annette, Carolyn and Tabitha. Manna House – Huntsville’s Outreach With a Heart to help deliver hundreds of sandwiches and other food to those coming through the line. The others stayed at the house and got it ready for us to start painting. Bro Vic & Joan traveled back to Nashville on Friday evening to deliver Kelsey for her ballgame on Saturday. The rest of the team toured the areas of devastation on Saturday morning and departed for their return trip home. The house we worked on was the home of a 66 year old Vietnam Veteran. "Sonny" was not a firm believer before the tornado hit but was VERY TOUCHED by ALL the people who were taking their time to come work on his home for him. He was living in a FEMA trailer there on his property as the work was being competed on his home. They were going to leave Sonny's home in ruins but since it was the family homeplace and things just started falling into place with monetary donations and volunteers they hope to have "Sonny" back in his home by mid August." Our oldest living church member, Exie Wise Shively, celebrated her 101st birthday on July 18, 2011. With the help of caregivers and her three daughters (Barbara Jean Benningfield, Mary Frances Veatch and Judy Shively Benningfield) she is able to be in her home. Although Ms. Exie is bedridden, her mind is brilliant and she continues to be a blessing to all who visit her. Ms. Exie has six grandchildren: Donnie Veatch, Jean Veatch Sallee, Keith Benningfield, Kelly Benningfield Carney, Gary Benningfield, and Glenn Benningfield. She has 17 great grandchildren and 8 great-great grandchildren. Another great-great grandson is due to arrive September 1, 2011. A group of ten people took a journey to Manchester, KY on August 1, 2011 to deliver a trailer load of clothing to God’s Closet. Thanks to Campbellsville University for the use of their trailer. Those going were: Bro Vic and Joan; Betty Whitehouse; Melody Mays; Shirley & Kaitlyn Farmer; Dana & Isabella Hayden; Arlene Mullins, and Faye Porter. The mission team also stayed late afternoon to help hand out approximately 175 book bags with school supplies to the children of Clay County. This program was also administered by God’s Closet. We want to welcome Caleb and Savannah Browning to the Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church family. Caleb is our Minister of Youth beginning August, 2011. Caleb is from Owensboro, Kentucky and a second year student at Campbellsville University. The monthly Business Meeting for August was held on August 10, 2011. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) During the church year of September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011 there were: 5 additions by baptism and 4 by letter The Sunday School Attendance average was 113 The Sunday Morning Worship Service average was 217 Organizational Structure for 2010 - 2011 Those receiving Perfect Attendance Awards were: Annette Dennison (15 years), Dorothy Jean Farris (1 year), Elizabeth Farmer (25 years), Anita Lanham (9 years), Michelle Gribbins (9 years), Kelsey Veatch (12 years), Burnam Lanham (12 years), and Josh Veatch (23 years). The recorded deaths were: o Norma Allen o Joseph "J. E." Settles o June Farmer Elliott (organist) o Milton Farmer o Stephen "Ricky" Sanders o Charles Henry Farmer The monthly Business Meeting for September was held on September 7, 2011. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) Perfect Attendance Awards were presented on September 18, 2011 to the following: Annette Dennison, Dorothy Jean Farris, Elizabeth Farmer, Anita Lanham, Michelle Gribbins, Kelsey Veatch, Burnam Lanham, and Josh Veatch. Making the presentations were Ann Lee and Sam Graham. Howard Farris was presented a Bible in appreciation for his over 65 years of service as a Sunday School teacher. A church "Cleanup Day" was on Saturday, October 1, 2011 in order to get ready for the fall meeting of the Central Association to be held at the church on Monday, October 3, 2011. The monthly Business Meeting for October was held on October 5, 2011. No new items were discussed and no new changes noted. The Fall Revival was held on October 9th - 12th, 2011. Bro. John Simpson from Temple Baptist Church was our evangelist. Services began at 7:00 pm each evening. The monthly Business Meeting for November was held November 9, 2011. The Deacons made a recommendation, and it was approved, for the following members to serve on the Stewardship (Budget) Committee for 2012: Kaylene Poff, Latricia Speer, Kim McCubbin, Donnie Veatch, and Lequita Barnett (Bro. Vic and the Secretary/Treasurer, Debbie Farris, are automatically on the committee). The annual Thanksgiving Meal was on November 20, 2011. The annual "Hanging of the Greens" service was held on November 27, 2011. The monthly Business Meeting was held December 7, 2011. Bob Moore reported that insurance is going to pay for all of the work done repairing the roof minus the $500 deductible. Kaylene Poff presented the budget proposal for 2012 as developed by the Budget Committee. The members present voted to accept the budget as presented. The Christmas Cantata was presented by the Muldraugh Hill Adult Choir on December 18, 2011 during the Morning Worship Service. Also the Annual White Christmas Offering was collected. The total amount donated (some designated to specific funds such as mission offering, cemetery fund, elevator fund, youth, insurance, AWANA, Operation Christmas Child, and utilities) was $17,011.00. This was Bro. Vic and Joan's 32nd Christmas with us. A love offering was collected and presented to him, the custodians (Anita and Burnam Lanham), the secretary (Debbie Farris), the Song Leader (Jim Sabo, Sr.), the Youth Director (Caleb Browning), and the musicians (Wanda Buckler, Annette Dennison, Amanda Farmer, and Martha Whitehouse). The Annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service was held on December 24, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. Many consider this to be their favorite service of the year. What better way celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour than to be in church with the family remembering His birth? Sunday School and Evening Worship Service was cancelled on December 25, 2011 to allow families time to enjoy Christmas activities together. The Morning Worship Service was held at 11:00 as usual. William R. Beard died December 29, 2011. He was the eighteenth pastor of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church. The monthly Business Meeting was held January 4, 2012. No new items were discussed and no new changes noted. The monthly Business Meeting was held February 9, 2012. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) The monthly Business Meeting was held March 7, 2012. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) Youth Sunday was March 18, 2012. The youth were in charge of all the services during the Morning Worship Service. Men's Day was March 25, 2012. The men taught Sunday School and were in charge of the services in the morning and evening. Steve Morris was the speaker in the Morning Worship Service. Mark Thomas and Jim Reed were the speakers in the Evening Worship Serice. A Women's Retreat was held Friday, March 30, 2012 at 6:00 pm through Saturday, March 31, 2012 late afternoon at 274 Shreveport Drive in Campbellsville, Kentucky. It was a time of fun, fellowship, and an in-depth Bible study. The Bible study material used was: "Esther - It's Tough Being a Woman", written by Beth Moore. The study led the women through a journey of tragedy and triumph, teaching them how to trust God's providence for the tough times in life. It showed how an Old Testament story applies to modern day life. The women were invited to bring their sleeping bags and spend the night or leave Friday night after the session and come back on Saturday morning. On Palm Sunday, April 1, 2012, the Sanctuary Choir presented our Easter Cantata, O What a Savior", in the Morning Worship Service. We had an Easter Sunrise Service on April 8, 2012 along with the Morning Worship Service at 11:00. The monthly Business Meeting was held on April 11, 2012. (Click to view a summary of the minutes.) Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church celebrated Mother's Day on Sunday, May 13, 2012 by having a light breakfast in the Fellowship Hall for the ladies and girls of our church. In the Morning Worship Service all the mothers present were presented with a blue tote bag that had a picture of the church and the contact information printed on the side. Special recognition was given to the oldest mother (Evelyn Burress), youngest mother (Kara Clark) and the mother with the most children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren present (there was a tie of 4 mothers with 9 descendants each: Helen Mays, Dorothy Jean Farris, Deloris England, and Mary Frances Veatch). Also, the new mothers since last Mother's Day were presented with carnations: Stephanie Lee (with daughter, Taylor), Shea Poff (with son, Ethan), and Kara Clark (with son, Maddox). The monthly Business Meeting was held May 16, 2012. No new items were discussed and no new changes noted. Our Vacation Bible School was held May 29 - June 2, 2012 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Parents Night was Sunday, June 3, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. The average attendance was 72 with the highest attendance being 82. The monthly Business Meeting was held on June 6, 2012. The Deacons made a motion (and it was approved by vote of the members present) to establish the following people for the 2012-2013 Nominating Committee: Bro. Vic Stansbury (Pastor), Roger Barnett (Chairman of the Deacons for 2012-2013), Elizabeth Farmer (W.M.U Leader), Sam Graham (Sunday School Director), Glenn Cox, Bob Moore, Kellie Wise, and Kaylene Poff. Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church celebrated Father's Day on Sunday, June 17, 2012. Each father present was presented with a compact measuring tape/pen light. Special recognition was given to the oldest father present (Les Richerson), youngest father present (Stuart Cox), and the father with the most children, grandchildren, great grandchildren present (Howard Farris had 7 descendents present). Jim Reed and his daughter, Kaylee, performed special music my singing a duet called, "A Love Without End, Amen". The monthly Business Meeting was held July 11, 2012. No new items were discussed and no new changes noted. Several members went on a mission trip to West Liberty, Kentucky the last week of July, 2012 to help after storm and tornado damage. Those who went are: Mark & Matthew Speer, Larry, Carol & Tabitha Reynolds, Kellie Wise, Shirley & Kaitlyn Farmer, Bob Moore, Annette Dennison and Stacy Bartley. Thanks to Rev. Mike Frisby and his church for hosting their stay. Bro. Vic Stansbury had two consecutive heart attacks on Saturday morning, August 4, 2012. He was already in the hospital after having surgery. He was air-lifted to Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. The news spread quickly of his condition and prayers were offered throughout the community. The deacons and their wives hosted a meal in honor of our senior adults on Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. All senior adults, 60 years or older, were invited to attend. Jim Durham and Steve Skaggs provided the entertainment. The evening became very solemn and emotional when an announcement was made at the beginning of the meal that Bro. Vic had died just a few minutes earlier in the evening. He was 66 years old. He was loved by all who knew him and he was ALWAYS a faithful servant of God. He will be greatly missed. The obituary reads as follows:
Rev. Victor James Stansbury (1945 - 2012) Rev. Victor James Stansbury of Lebanon, son of the late James William Stansbury and Edith Mae Atkins Stansbury was born in Nelson County, Kentucky, September 2, 1945. He died at 5:47 P.M., Saturday, August 4, 2012, unexpectedly in Louisville. Age: 66 He professed faith in Christ at an early age and preached his first sermon at the age of sixteen. Bro. Vic was pastor of Galilee Baptist Church in Madison County, Lockport Baptist Church and Sligo Baptist Church in Henry County, and Elk Creek Baptist Church in Spencer County. He has been pastor of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church since November, 1980. He was Adjunct Professor in Biblical Studies at Campbellsville University for twelve years. He was a graduate of Berea College in January, 1968 and Southern Theological Seminary in June, 1972. He was a member of the Church Relation Council at Campbellsville University, Executive Board of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, Marion County Ministerial Association, Central Baptist Association, and Volunteer Chaplain at Springview Hospital in Lebanon. He united in marriage to Joan Call June 24, 1966. Besides his wife, Joan Call Stansbury, he is survived by one daughter and two sons and their spouses: Vickie & Andy Thompson and Jon & Becky Stansbury of Nashville and Chris & Heather Stansbury of Nicholasville; five granddaughters: Kelsey Jeanne Thompson, Abigail Elise Thompson, Haylee Ray Stansbury, Hillary Raegan Stansbury, and Aubree Reese Stansbury; one brother and one sister: Lee Thomas Stansbury and Frances (Ernie) Fulkerson of Cox’s Creek; two sisters-in- law: Bernadette Ballard Stansbury of Morehead and Wanda Stansbury of Mt. Washington; his father-in-law and mother-in-law: John and Iva Lee Call of Bardstown; several nieces and nephews and many other relatives and friends. He was also preceded in death by three brothers: Robert Stansbury, Charles Franklin Stansbury, and William Ray Stansbury. _______________________ VISITATION: After 3:00 P.M., Monday, August 6th at the Parrott and Ramsey Funeral Home in Campbellsville and after 9:00 A.M., Tuesday, August 7th at the Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church in Lebanon FUNERAL SERVICES: 11:00 A.M., Tuesday, August 7th at the Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church in Lebanon led by Rev. Jay Hatfield and Rev. Steve Skaggs BURIAL: New Salem Baptist Church Cemetery in Cox’s Creek PALLBEARERS: Rev. Johnny Bailey Rev. Everett Hord Rev. Jamie Chesser Rev. Cameron Jungles Rev. Justin Compton Rev. John McDaniel Rev. Dan Durham Rev. Bill Proctor FAMILY REQUESTS EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY BE DONATIONS TO MULDRAUGH HILL BAPTIST CHURCH ELEVATOR PROJECT AND MAY BE MADE AT PARROTT & RAMSEY FUNERAL HOME Service Details Location: Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church Marion County Lebanon, KY Date: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 Time: 11:00 AM
The funeral for Bro. Victor J. Stansbury was held at Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church on August 7, 2012 at 11:00. Steve Skaggs played the piano beginning 30 minutes prior to the service: "Because He Lives", "The Old Rugged Cross", "It is Well", and "Victory in Jesus" as special music during the service. Bro. Jay Hatfield read the obituary, delivered a special message, and led the congregation in prayer at the beginning and end of the funeral. Earl Wayne Perry delivered some comments and performed a solo entitled, "The King is Coming". Mark Speer, Ernest Carol Taylor, Roger Barnett, and Sam Graham read scripture. The following members delivered special messages: Joyce Payne, Kaylene Poff, Preston Price, Carol Reynolds, Mark Carney, and Caroline Reed. Chris Stansbury shared lessons he had learned from his father, Haylee Stansbury shared a poem and letter, Joan Stansbury read a love letter she had written to Bro. Vic in the early hours of a sleepless Sunday after his death the night before. A pictorial video of Bro. Vic over the years was shown during the two hours of visitation prior to the service. According to the signatures in the visitation guest book from the night preceding the funeral, there were approximately 1000 people offering condolences. On the day of the funeral, the sanctuary and balcony were full along with some individuals in the old fellowship hall where an audio video feed was played for them of the service. A police escort led and followed the funeral procession throughout Lebanon to the county line and at the intersection in Springfield as it proceeded to the gravesite at New Salem Baptist Church in Nelson County. The cemetery is on land that used to belong to the Stansbury family where Bro. Vic grew up and the land was later given to the church by the family. Bro. Vic was buried next to his brother Charles who had died in March. The monthly Business Meeting was held August 8, 2012. (Click to view a summary of the minutes. )
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