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The History Of


(1920 - 1974) In 1920, W. C. Hundley became our pastor. Apparently, no church letter was sent to the association during the years 1921 through 1923. Therefore, we cannot definitely state that Bro. Hundley was pastor during this time. He does appear on the record again in 1924 as our pastor. He remained pastor until 1928. C. L. Harmon is given as pastor from 1928 until 1929. Then W. C. Hundley is given as pastor again and he remained until 1932. It was under the ministry of W. C. Hundley that J. C. Raikes was licensed to preach the gospel, however, Bro. Raikes was ordained while Rev. Crit Harmon was pastor. In 1932, L. E. Whitlow became the pastor. One of the greatest blessings the historical Committee received while working on this report was in visiting Rev. L. E. Whitlow at a Presbyterian Home for the aged at Beuchel, Ky. Although 94 years of age, he remembered vividly his years at Muldraugh Hill. He recalled each evangelist who served with him during revival periods. He laughingly remembered how he was showered for his efforts in the revivals with coops of chickens, half bushels of sweet potatoes (minus 2 lbs.), etc. Bro. Whitlow told of one deacon (Bro. Farmer) who gave him half a bushel of sweet potatoes, because he didn't want to overload his car, and promised the other half bushel later. The following year when they were again in a revival, Bro. Whitlow and the evangelist visited the home of this deacon. During their visit the evangelist expressed the feeling that the revival was not progressing as it should and wondered why. Whereupon, Bro. Whitlow jokingly replied he knew the reason why. Bro. Farmer had promised him a bushel of sweet potatoes a year ago, but had only given him a half bushel and it lacked two pounds being a half bushel. After an establishment had been built near the church door for the sale of alcoholic beverages, the church, through Bro. Whitlow's leadership, petitioned it out. He remembered and mentioned many of the members in the six years of his ministry here. While preaching for us the second and fourth Sundays, he was also pastor of Palestine Church, preaching there the first and third Sundays of each month. He made his home at Campbellsville, Ky. Total membership as shown on the new register June 24, 1938 was 326. Bro. Whitlow sent this reply to the church shortly after receiving an offering from us: November 7, 1957 Dear Members: I was surprised, and greatly humbled to receive such a generous love gift from you. It sent many precious memories rushing through my mind back to the time when you honored me with the privilege of serving as your pastor. "Brethren" I haven't the words with which to express my gratitude to you for this remembrance. Mrs. Whitlow joins me when I say, "Thank you. We covet your prayers." Your true friend, Rev. & Mrs. L.E. Whitlow For the next 14 months, beginning October, 1938, Rev. E. M. Gash served as pastor. Little is known about Bro. Gash other than he had a son who also was a preacher. Rev. G. E. Puckett succeeded E. M. Gash in January, 1940. Several improvements were made on the grounds and buildings under his ministry. These general improvements consisted of papering, painting, replacing the roof on the church, two new doors, two new stoves, 100 hymnals, new flooring, and benches, as well as cleaning of grounds and cemetery. In 1942, the church purchased twelve Sunday School books to send to our men in the service and Mrs. J. P. Wade was authorized to make a service flag in their honor. Within the past decade a "carbide light plant" had been installed which was somewhat an improvement over the "coal oil lamps", but an even greater improvement was made when R.E.A. lights were installed in December, 1940. Disposing of the "carbide light plant" posed to be a problem for an entire year. The plant was advertised in both Marion and Taylor County papers which resulted in no sale. Omer Caulk was granted the right to sell the complete light plant at a price not under $75.00. When he was unable to dispose of it at this price, an offer was made to trade a horse on the "plant." Motion and second was made for Bro. G. A. Sapp and Mance Moore to appraise the horse, which evidently was an unsatisfactory trade. The church lowered its selling price to $60.00 and later to $50.00. Finally in desperation the church offered the plant for sale at public auction to members of the church. Minutes of December 28, 1941 record the sale of the entire plant and building for $71.25. Bro. Puckett served Stewarts Creek Church in Marion County as well as Muldraugh Hill during 1940-1942 and resigned September 10, 1944 to accept the First Baptist Church at Jeffersontown. October 15, 1944, the church called John T. Pierce as pastor for an indefinite period of time instead of yearly. At this time the church voted to go to full time preaching and weekly Wednesday night prayer meetings as soon as Bro. Pierce came on the field. Since he was the first full-time pastor, the church felt a need for a pastorium. The property adjoining the church was purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maupin for the sum of $2850.00 in 1945 and was debt free by February, 1947. In a business session October 28, 1945, motion was made and seconded for the church to send a letter to the President, Representatives, and Senators to ask them to forbid alcohol of any kind to be in and around the military camps where our boys are in training. The Rev. Sam Morris of Houston, Texas, well known temperance speaker, who once spoke here, was sent a love offering of money periodically. Our first Bible School was held in 1946 and has continued each year. In the same year, because of immoral practices on the church property, a fence of posts and cable were erected. Also, the monthly business meeting was changed from Sunday to Wednesday night. The next year, in order to have a more unified worship service and a better informed congregation, a bulletin service was established, however, upon the resignation of pastor, bulletins were discontinued until 1954. Having resigned as pastor of the church, Bro. and Mrs. Pierce called for their letters to unite with the Burton Memorial Baptist Church of Bowling Green, Ky., March 27, 1947. He is most remembered for his firm stand on the use of tobacco, alcohol and catholicism. Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church met on August 31, 1947 for the purpose of calling a pastor. Rev. John M. Wall was nominated and called with a unanimous vote. The church once again was extending a yearly call to her pastor. Shortly after his arrival on the field, a committee was appointed to make arrangements to start a Training Union Program which was finalized January 25, 1948 with Paul Payne as director and an enrollment of 123. The church increased its outreach by sponsoring a Radio Program each Sunday morning over W.T.C.O. in Campbellsville, Ky. Porter Benningfield, Howard Farris, Donald Moore, Robert Farmer, Harold Cox, Chester Payne, Mrs. Mary Parrott, Bertha Yates, Mrs. Lottie Moore, Dorothy Jean Farris, Pauline Bohannon, Delores Rice, Betty Yates, Joyce Maupin, Elizabeth Parrott (pianist), Lorene Hardesty, Lester Farmer, Emogene Brockman, Janet Farmer, James Robert Moore, Mrs. Ada Sapp, and Mrs. Irene Maupin composed the radio choir. The radio program was discontinued with the resignation of Bro. Beard. A much needed improvement of our church building at this time was Sunday School rooms. We only had curtains to divide the groups and it made it very unsatisfactory to teach and listen. Prior to this time, pastors had talked of the need for these facilities, but the church felt unable financially to build. With the leadership of Bro. Wall, interest was increased and the rooms were completed by September, 1948. The men of the church honored Bro. Wall with a new car during his ministry here. April 2, 1950, Bro. John W. Wall announced his resignation as pastor of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church to become effective about the first or second Sunday in May. Our eighteenth pastor was William R. Beard who came on the field in June of 1950. Soon after becoming our pastor he married Frances Niceley. Their oldest daughter was born while they served here. Worship services and prayer meetings were well attended and the Sunday School broke all previous records with an attendance of 376 on a homecoming day. During seasons of revival the church would often be filled to capacity with people sitting in the aisles and around the platform of the pulpit. Bro. Beard was instrumental in starting a building fund for the Present house of worship and at the time the building was started, there was $10,000.00 in the building fund. Rev. Beard made known his resignation January 24, 1954 to become pastor of Mackville Baptist Church in Washington County. On January 23, 1954 the “Minutes of Church Business” record reports that Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church held a special business meeting after the Evening Worship Service for the purpose of electing a pulpit committee. The following men were voted to make up the committee: Rodger Smith, John Taylor, Leroy Feather, Steve Rice, and Chester Veatch. John Taylor was eleted chairman of the pulpit committee. See other details. Bro. W. R. Cook succeeded Bro. Beard as pastor and was called March 17, 1954, from Younger's Creek Baptist Church in Hardin County. Bro. Cook's stay at Muldraugh Hill was brief, lasting only 10 months, and during his pastorate a budget system was first set up in September, 1954. Following Bro. Cook was Rev. Kit C. Yeaste in August, 1955. In the spring of 1947, a Woman's Missionary Society was organized with an enrollment of 14 and Mrs. Bertha Yates as President. Again the W.M.S. was reorganized on September 9, 1957 under the leadership of Mrs. Sara Yeaste. with 22 members. Mrs. A. B. Colvin helped organize and presided at this meeting. Officers elected were: Mrs. Virgie Smith, President; Mrs. Bertha Yates, First Vice President; Mrs. Mary C. Begley, Second Vice President and Program Chairman; Mrs. Esther Veatch, Community Missions; Mrs. Sara Yeaste, Missions Study Chairman; and Mrs. Louise Bright, Secretary-Treasurer. Several auxillaries have since been added: Y.W.A (Mrs. Richard Shields) in March 4, 1959; and G.A.'s (Mrs. Betty Meers) in Jan., 1962. On September 29, 1974, Carolyn Porter and Tammy Settles received the adventure 3, which is equivalent of princess in the forward steps program. Sunbeams (Mary Frances Veatch and Marie Caulk) was organized in Jan., 1962. Bro. Yeaste seemed to have been interested in organizing a Brotherhood, but this wasn't realized until 1962 with Steve Rice as President and Clarence Yates, Secretary-Treasurer. The Pioneers of the Royal Ambassadors was organized on Wednesday night, February 28, 1962 at Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church. David Veatch was the leader with the following 8 members: Sammie Farris, Mike Farris, Danny Farmer, Lonnie Moore, Dennis Allen, Jerry Smothers, Leon Smothers, and Ricky Yates. During these years, under the leadership of Bro. Yeaste, the people were made aware of needy people in the community. Financial aid was given to a former pastor, (Bro. Whitlow), a free will offering was taken for a man with a terminal illness, and shoes were bought for a needy family. This has been a policy of the church as far back as records exist. After the morning worship service of December 19, 1957, Bro. Yeaste resigned to accept a pastorate at Stanford, Ky. Rev. Richard M. Shields assumed his duties as pastor, March 19, 1958. On October 4, 1958, a wet--dry election was the subject of much controversy in Marion County. In a bulletin dated July 6, 1958, Bro. Shields stated: "Our church will be involved in a great way in the very near future, as the time arrives for the local option election in the city and county. I trust that you will make your stand for the cause of the right as you sign the petition to vote dry. You will speak louder than you have had the opportunity to speak for a long time and maybe even for a longer period of time." Rallies were held at this church and throughout the county to boost support for the dry cause. The opposition, however, was just as determined and came out victorious in the campaign. On February 4, 1959, a telephone was installed. In order to enable more people to attend the worship services, the church purchased a bus in May, 1959 for the sum of $175.00. The bus proved very useful during Vacation Bible School. This service continued for almost two years, when, because of the expense involved in upkeep, the church felt best to sell it. Money derived from the sale of the bus was used to buy a used piano for the basement. On May 12, 1959, a motion and second was made to go on record to build. However, prior to this time, funds had been set aside with building in mind. A survey of the membership was made in order to determine who really wanted a new house of worship and would be willing to support it financially. A building plan was adopted similar to that of Bullitt Lick Baptist Church of Shepherdsville, Ky.. At first, a basement was not included in the plans, but was added later. The colonial style, brick sanctuary with basement and education facilities was to cost approximately $55,000.00. On June 10, 1959, during the Monthly Business Meeting, Howard Farris and Edward “Boss” Benningfield were nominated to serve as deacons. Upon their approval, a date was set for their ordination. They were ordained by Bro. Richard Shields on June 28, 1959. See further details. In a business meeting of May, 1960, a motion was made to begin building as soon as contractors and materials could be secured. Serving as a building committee were: Carl Farmer, Leslie Brockman, Edward Benningfield, John Taylor and Bro. Shields. In August, 1960, Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church broke ground for the erection of a new building. The oldest member, Mrs. Virgie Thompson, and youngest member, Estelle Veatch (Brady), helped Bro. Shields with the first shovel of dirt. Money in the building fund was soon exhausted, and until a loan could be secured, Mr. Frank Caulk came to our assistance with a loan of $10,000.00. Later, $25,000.00 was secured from the Taylor County Federal Savings and Loan Association to complete the construction of the building and to repay Mr. Caulk. Within a year, the building was completed. On Christmas Day of 1960 following the morning worship service, Bro. Richard Shields resigned as pastor to be effective January 15, 1961. A Pulpit Committee was formed January 1, 1961. Two months after Bro. Shields' resignation, on March 19, 1961, Harold G. Meers of Knox Creek Baptist Church was called as pastor. He moved to Lebanon April 13, 1961. A typewriter and filing cabinets were purchased May 10, 1961. The church building had not been completed when Bro. Meers became our pastor. Within a few months, however, the building was ready for use. Dedication services were held on July 16, 1961. The dedication message was by J. Chester Badgett of the Campbellsville Baptist Church. The dedication prayer was led by the pastor and the hymn, "Bless This House," was sung. The responsive reading of the dedication was as follows: Pastor: In recognition of our dependence upon and as an expression of our love for God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we the pastor and members of the Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church, here assembled on the 16th day of July, 1961 People:Acknowledge with gratitude, that is from the heart, Thy divine blessings and unerring leadership through the years. Pastor: To the glory of God by whose favor these blessings have come to us; to the honor of Jesus, the Son of the living God, our Lord, and Saviour; to the praise of the Holy Spirit, source of light and life: People: We do with joy and gratitude solemnly dedicate this building. Pastor and People: We now, the people of this church dedicate this church together with all material, equipment and ourselves. We are Thine, use us and the church according to Thy Holy purpose, for Thine Own Glory. Amen. Several improvements have been added in the years since. The public address system was installed July 17, 1968, a lighted outdoor bulletin board, walks and curbing, shrubbery, steeple, and other small items such as Baptist hymnals, chairs, cabinets, etc. On November 8, 1961, by recommendation of the deacons, the church adopted the family night plan for the various mission organizations. Family Night was to be held on the fourth Wednesday night of each month and continues to meet at that time until this day. Robert Smothers was ordained as deacon on April 4, 1962. The New Market Presbyterian Church property was purchased by the church in the fall of 1962 for a sum of $400.00. The ground was to be used as a free cemetery and the trustees were to dispose of the old church building in the most profitable manner. The church building was sold to Charles Wright for $125.00 and the piano to Howard Farris for $15.25. The church assumes the responsibility of the upkeep of three cemeteries. Included in these is the cemetery across the highway which was given by a Mr. Sapp to be used as a community cemetery, and the cemetery at the site of the former New Market Baptist Church. Following is a letter of resignation from Rev. Harold G. Meers on January 29, 1963: To My Dear Friends in Christ, of the Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church: It is apparent to me that God wills that I go to become pastor of the Highland Park First Baptist Church of Louisville, Ky. It is for this reason that I am resigning as pastor of this church. My last Sunday with you will be February 10, 1963., Our time together has been short, but it has been most rewarding for the cause of Christ. Let me make it clear, I am not leaving because any-thing is wrong here, rather, it is because most things are in good order. The reason for leaving is the call to fill the great need of the Highland Park First Church. My heart is near many of you and this place. It is not easy to leave those we love. It is not ours alone to choose, for when God calls, His ministers must follow. I am as concerned for your welfare today as I was the day I began to work with you. My prayer is that God will lead you to a wise and able pastor. Yours in Christ, Harold G. Meers A vote taken on March 31, 1963 resulted in the call of E. V. Carrier as pastor. Bro. Carrier was instrumental in helping to retire our church indebtedness. Most of the White Christmas offering, which has been a tradition for several years, was used for this purpose. A bulletin dated March 13, 1966 states: Taylor County Loan was paid $3,195.00 on the building debt. This brought the debt down to $15,032.42. As recorded in the minutes of the August 10, 1966 Business Meeting, David Veatch and James “Buddy” Moore were elected as deacons and “are to be ordained on Sunday, August 28, 1966 at 2:00 p.m. Those ordained deacons and pastors serving as council were as follows: Edward Benningfield, Steve Rice, Herbert L. Anderson, Paul Battcher, Clarence Benningfield, J. C. Riley, Clarence Harmon, Melvin C. Veatch, James Roarx, Malcolm Caulk, W. B. Hall, Howard Farris, Rev. Tim Herring, Rev. E. V. Carrier, and Rev. Herman Rowlette. The ordination was performed by Bro. E. V. Carrier. See further details. In a bulletin dated September 22, 1968, Bro. Carrier stated: "At the beginning of this last year, as your pastor, I said in a prayer meeting, 'If this church will support missions around the World by giving as much as 10% of our income to mission causes, God will give us a great year.'" This He has done, our receipts this year has gone beyond the $20,000.00 and our gift to missions has been the largest in the history of the church. We now owe the Taylor County Loan Company approximately $2,600.00. If our offerings keep pace with the past, we are planning to have a "note burning" service on December 15, 1968. A note burning service was held at Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church, Sunday morning, November 24, 1968, after paying the church debt. In seven years, the church was able to pay a $22,000.00 note plus interest. The church trustees had negotiated seven years ago with the Taylor County First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Campbellsville for a $22,000.00 note that was to be paid within 14 years. "Since the building of the church, the budget has steadily grown until now the budget has reached the $20,000 a year outlay for local and mission work," said the Rev. E. V. Carrier, who recently resigned his pastorate at the church. November 24, 1968 was the last Sunday of the pastorate for Bro. Carrier, who now is pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. L. D. Kennedy of Campbellsville College served as interim pastor three months before our present pastor, Rev. R. B. Hullette came on the field, March 7, 1969. The church in a called business session, August 24, 1969, on a Sunday morning, voted by a 64 standing vote and none in opposition to proceed with breaking ground for a new pastorium. The planning and building committee consisted of Lester Farmer, Raymond England, Edward Benningfield, Sarah Brockman, and Betty Graham. On October 14, 1969 the contract was let to G. W. Barnes, Campbellsville, Kentucky. Work began October 18th on the excavation of the basement. The new home (28 feet 8 inches x 74 feet, 8 inches) consists of a full size walk-out basement, two car garage, den, kitchen, dining room, living room, three bedrooms (one with adjoining bath) and a central bath facility. The cost was to be around $25,000. Harry B. Thompson was the architect and upon completion of the pastorium, the Hullette family moved October 5, 1970. The former pastorium which stood near the front of the present one was purchased by Lambert Livers March 21, 1970 at a cost of $725.00. The building was moved intact to Mr. Livers' property which adjoins the church property. Plans were discussed at length at a June, 1973 business meeting for replacing the steeple which had been destroyed by wind May 23rd of the same year. The steeple decided on at this meeting was one with a cross on top and one from which the bell of the former church building could be installed. This bell was purchased and erected for the first time in 1925 by Mr. James Farmer. The present steeple was erected October 1, 1973 by Aluminum Manufacturing Company of Greensburg, Kentucky costing $3500.00 of which $1131.06 was derived from insurance.
AALUMINUM MANUFACTURING CO. INC. Greensburg, Kentucky 42743 W. C. Moon (Route 4 - Phone 932-5364) Walter Wooden (Route 4 - Phone 932-7587) PURCHASE AGREEMENT We Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church Of Route 1 Lebanon, Kentucky 40033 Agree to purchase from Aluminum Mfg. Co. Inc. of Greensburg, Kentucky, the following as described herein: That one all aluminum church steeple - 8 ft. by 8 ft. by 4 ft. base, 5 1/2ft. by 5 1/2 ft. by 7 ft. window section, third section 4 ft. by 4 ft. by 4 ft. with eight functional louvers, 18 ft. spire and a 5 ft. - 38 ft. overall -- 4 colored glass windows as selected by Church - structural tower riveted and heli- arch welded at all joints, all outside covering is .032 white baked on vinyl finish-steeple is a copy of Greasy Creek Baptist Church of Rt. 4, Greensburg, Ky. Deliver, installed and grounded Base to accomodate bell. And furthermore agree to pay Aluminum Mfg. Co. Inc. for the above named goods as set hereforth, the sum of, $3500.00 exclusive of any applicable sales or use taxes. Payment be remitted as follows: one third down and balance when erected Agreed and accepted this 12 day of June 1973. Clarence Yates Lester Farmer By: Smith Mays, Jr. Aluminim Mfg. Co. Inc., by W. C. Moon
The church being without a song leader, after Jerry Smothers, who held this position, moved, felt someone outside the church could better fill this vacancy. David Forman of Campbellsville, Kentucky was elected and presently fills this position. Until 1930, a pump organ was used to accompany the congregational singing. This was the first mention of a piano in the records. In the years following, the church brought a new piano and electric organ which are in use today. The church history includes documentation of the Church Membership and Sunday School Enrollment from 1875 to 1973.
CHURCH CLERK CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL YEAR MEMBERSHIP SUPERINTENDENT ENROLLMENT 1875 Porter Rafferty 65 1876 Porter Rafferty 62 1877 Porter Rafferty 93 L. D. Massingale 50 1878 D. Walker 105 L. D. Massingale 1879 Moses Farmer 121 M oses Farmer 1880 W. Richeson 117 1881 D. Walker 1882 D. Walker 121 1883 Moses Farmer 116 1884 George H. Phillips 93 George H. Phillips 1885 George H. Phillips 108 1886 J. L. Collins 120 1887 J. L. Collins 1888 1889 J. L. Collins 161 1890 J. L. Collins 173 J. L. Collins 85 1891 J. L. Collins 119 1892 J. L. Collins 119 J. L. Collins 50 1893 J. L. Collins 125 J. L. Collins 50 1894 J. L. Collins 124 R. H. Shouftner 20 1895 J. L. Collins 168 1896 Porter Rafferty 170 J. L. Collins 40 1897 Porter Rafferty 160 1898 Porter Rafferty 160 1899 Porter Rafferty 156 Willis Burdette 50 1900 Porter Rafferty Willis Burdette 78 1901 Porter Rafferty 78 Willis Burdette 50 1902 Porter Rafferty 176 Willis Burdette 60 1903 Porter Rafferty 177 1904 J. L. Collins, Sr. 182 J. L. Collins 39 1905 J. L. Collins, Sr. 124 1906 J. L. Collins, Sr. 123 1907 J. L. Collins, Sr. 117 1908 J. L. Collins, Sr. 189 J. L. Collins, Sr. 70 1909 J. L. Collins, Sr. 163 Sylvester Malone 59 1910 J. L. Collins, Sr. 193 Matthew Newcomb 72 1911 J. L. Collins, Sr. 184 Issac Farmer 41 1912 Issac Farmer 188 J. Luther Collins, Jr. 65 1913 J. L. Collins, Sr. 183 Sylvester Malone 30 1914 J. L. Collins, Sr. 236 W. Burdette 127 1915 J. L. Collins, Sr. 232 W. Burdette 56 1916 J. L. Collins, Sr. 227 W. T. Sapp 45 1917 J. L. Collins, Sr. 221 1918 1919 1920 Truman Raffety 268 C. F. Baker 1921 1922 1923 1924 235 1925 252 A. R. Perkins 1926 A. R. Perkins 260 A. R. Perkins 65 1927 A. R. Perkins 265 A. R. Perkins 1928 A. R. Perkins 377 1929 280 J. W. Wise 1930 J. W. Wise 280 Ray Perkins 85 1931 J. W. Wise 290 W. E. Parrott 1932 J. W. Wise 307 W. E. Parrott 1933 317 W. E. Parrott 75 1934 1935 Alvin Farmer 1936 J. W. Wise 365 Alvin Farmer 110 1937 W. E. Parrott 381 Alvin Farmer 111 1938 W. E. Parrott 326 Alvin Farmer 1939 W. E. Parrott 244 Alvin Farmer 86 1940 W. E. Parrott 288 Charles P. Allen 1941 W. E. Parrott 304 W. J. Battcher 1942 1943 W. E. Parrott 420 W. J. Battcher 1944 1945 402 1946 W. E. Parrott 392 W. J. Battcher 153 1947 W. E. Parrott 1948 W. E. Parrott 480 W. J. Battcher 380 1949 Howard Farris 517 W. J. Battcher 307 1950 Howard Farris 509 W. J. Battcher 324 1951 Howard Farris 1952 Howard Farris W. J. Battcher 334 1953 Howard Farris 560 W. J. Battcher 337 1954 Howard Farris 580 W. J. Battcher 377 1955 Howard Farris 594 W. J. Battcher 281 1956 Howard Farris 609 Irvin Farris 380 1957 Harold Caulk 574 Leroy Feather 353 1958 Harold Caulk 562 Leroy Feather 367 1959 Harold Caulk 558 Ezra Hunt 372 1960 Harold Caulk 569 Ezra Hunt 368 1961 Harold Caulk 551 Clarence Yates 341 1962 Betty Jean Graham 535 David Veatch 318 1963 Betty Jean Graham 532 David Veatch 300 1964 Betty Jean Graham 526 David Veatch 310 1965 Betty Jean Graham 542 Albert Smothers 280 1966 Betty Jean Graham 561 Albert Smothers 313 1967 Betty Jean Graham 560 Albert Smothers 366 1968 Betty Jean Graham 556 Carroll Taylor 438 1969 Betty Jean Graham 545 Carroll Taylor 286 1970 Betty Jean Graham 522 Carroll Taylor 331 1971 Betty Jean Graham 518 David Veatch 253 1972 Betty Jean Graham 549 David Veatch 264 1973 Barbara Benningfield 557 David Veatch 263
The church history also includes documentation of Training Union Enrollment from 1948 to 1973 :
CHURCH TRAINING UNION ENROLLMENT YEAR DIRECTORS 1948 Paul Payne 123 1949 Steve Rice 128 1950 Steve Rice 154 1951 Steve Rice 1952 Steve Rice 130 1953 Steve Rice 131 1954 Steve Rice 161 1955 Steve Rice 169 1956 Paul Battcher 180 1957 Chester Veatch 131 1958 Chester Veatch 157 1959 Paul Battcher 206 1960 Paul Battcher 169 1961 Paul Battcher 155 1962 Robert Smothers 118 1963 Albert Smothers 131 1964 Billy Veatch 109 1965 Billy Veatch 104 1966 James R. Moore 1 20 1967 James R. Moore 113 1968 Ray Stapp 112 1969 Ray Stapp 114 1970 Ray Stapp 121 1971 Ray Stapp 98 1972 Ray Stapp 112 1973 Ray Stapp 200
The Church History also includes the Women's Missionary Union Presidents and Brotherhood Presidents from 1957 to 1973.
CHURCH WOMEN'S MISSIONARY BROTHERHOOD YEAR UNION PRESIDENTS PRESIDENTS 1957 Mrs. Virgie Smith 131 1958 Mrs. Emogene Farmer 157 1959 Mrs. Emogene Farmer 206 1960 Mrs. Richard Shields 169 1961 Mrs. Emogene Farmer 155 1962 Mrs. Barbara Benningfield Mr. Steve Rice 1963 Mrs. Esther Veatch Mr. Steve Rice 1964 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1965 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1966 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1967 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1968 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1969 Mrs. Ruth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1970 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1971 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1972 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice 1973 Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer Mr. Steve Rice
Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, five men from our church have been licensed to preach and four of them ordained: J. C. Raikes, Roy Huston, Paul Payne, Chester Veatch, and J. W. Farmer. J. C. Raikes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Raikes was born in BradfordsvillE, Kentucky on August 10, 1908. He has four sisters, Mrs. Gene (Artie) Taylor; Mrs. Verlin (Florrie) Samples; Mrs. Damien (Estelle) Benningfield; Mrs. Paul (Juanita) Payne; one half-sister,'Mrs. Tony (Barbara) Rodriques, and a sister, Nancy, who died in 1928. He also has three brothers, Claude, Gilbert, and Eugene, who died in 1963, also two half-brothers, David and Phillip Raikes. He is married to Virginia Moore Raikes. They have one son, Glen Raikes who resides at Morehead, Kentucky. He professed faith in the Lord in autumn of 1926. He graduated from Lebanon High School; Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Before entering the ministry, he served nine years as teacher and administrator in the public school system of Marion County, Kentucky. He announced his call to the gospel ministry, was licensed to preach in 1927 and was ordained by Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church, Lebanon, Kentucky on September 22, 1928. He was pastor of the Willisburg Baptist Church, Willisburg, Kentucky; Magnolia Baptist Church, Magnolia, Kentucky; Weaver Memorial Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky; First Baptist Church, Morehead, Kentucky; and Dayton Avenue Baptist Church, Xenia, Ohio. He is retired from active pastorate as of September 30, 1973 and is presently serving as interim pastor of Bellview Baptist Church, Bellbrook, Ohio. He has been active in this denominational life during his 36 years as pastor; serving as Moderator of Associations; as member of Executive Board of State Conventions of Kentucky and Ohio; served as member of Board of Child Care; Kentucky Baptist State Convention for number of years; served as Trustee of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri, and toured the Bible lands and Greece in 1972. Roy Edward Huston, son of the late George M. and Nellie Burnett Huston was born in Marion County, Lebanon, Kentucky, December 19, 1919. He attended grade and high school in Marion County, graduated from Campbellsville College in 1947 and Louisville Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky in 1949. He was married to Roberta Thompson March 29, 1937, who was fatally injured in an automobile accident near Rome, Georgia, February 12, 1966. Rev. and Mrs. Huston had five children, R. E., Fitzy, Ben, Imogene, and Betty. About five years prior to Mrs. Huston's death, Reverend Roy Huston passed away of a fatal heart attack June 22, 1961, after suffering a first, one hour earlier while attending a Sunday School clinic at Forsyth, Georgia. He was baptized in 1930. He pastored the Salem and Friendship Baptist Church, Salem, Kentucky for three years, Gethsemane Baptist Church in Danville, Kentucky four years before going to First Baptist Church in Trion, Georgia. Roy and Roberta moved their membership to Salem Baptist Church in July 1946. It was this church which requested his ordination which was held November 28, 1945. For almost a decade, he was pastor of the First Baptist Church, Trion, Georgia. While serving as pastor there, the First Baptist Church building burned on November 25, 1956. Reverend Huston led the church in making plans for its replacement. Bro. Huston expressed his appreciation for our concern with this letter: "I have never been so wordless in my life as I am in trying to express my feelings in this letter. We have received many donations from our friends and from churches around our community, but no gift has ever meant so much as the gift from my home church. Please express to the church my personal appreciation and the appreciation from the church here for this gift. I am deeply touched and I feel that it is an expression of love. I love your people and am happy that you are doing a great work there." Roy Huston Bro. Huston had one brother, Robert A. Huston; five sisters, Mrs. Omer (Lyda) Caulk, Mrs. Ethel Bohanon, Mrs. Robert (Thelma) Gowan, Mrs. Steve (Elsie) Rice and Mrs. Hall (Lillie) Newcomb. The latter two are members of our church now. Paul Payne, son of Will and Mary Payne was born in Marion County, Kentucky on July 28, 1923. He has seven brothers, Howard, Lyle, Gerald, Joe, Marion, Chester, and Ronnie Payne; two sisters, Mrs. O. R. (Edith) Perkins, and Mrs. Helen Mattingly. He is married to Juanita Raikes Payne. They have one daughter, Mrs. Shelby (Mary Alice) Payne who also resides in Ohio. He professed faith in the Lord on July 5, 1936 and was baptized into the fellowship of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church on November 11, 1936. He attended Marion County Grade Schools, received B. A. At Georgetown College in 1952, and Master of Divinity, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1956. Before entering the ministry, he was a foreman at L & N Railroad, served two years as a Paratrooper in World War II, and was a farmer at the time he surrendered to preach. He surrendered to the call to preach on August 15, 1948. He was licensed November 28, 1948 and Ordained June 19, 1949 by Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church. He has pastored at the Friendship Baptist Church, Casey County, Kentucky; Ottawa Baptist Church, Rockcastle, Kentucky; Blue Ash Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio; First Baptist Church, Miamisburg, Ohio; and First Baptist Church, Huber Heights, Dayton, Ohio where he is presently serving. He also served seven years as Director of Missions under The Home Mission Board in Dayton, Ohio, has served as a member of the Executive Board of Kentucky Baptists, member of the Executive Board of Baptists in Ohio, member of the Executive Committee of The Southern Baptist Convention, served as First VicePresident of Ohio Baptists, and is presently serving second term as a Member of the Foreign Mission Board of The Southern Baptist Convention. He made a preaching tour of England in 1964 and also a tour of the Middle East, including Israel in 1971. John Wesley Farmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer, was born in Taylor County on January 20, 1925. He has three sisters, Esther, Frances, and Ruth. The latter is a member of our church now. He is married to Edna Bernice Jarboe Farmer and they have two children, a son, Lynn Edward, and a daughter, Karen Gay. He graduated from Taylor County, Campbellsville College, Georgetown College, and also received Master of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. He was engaged in farming in Taylor County before entering the ministry. He professed faith in Christ in September 1936 at Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church, was called to preach when he was a teenager, but surrendered to the call in August 1948, and was ordained December 8, 1949 at South Campbellsville Baptist Church, Campbellsville, Kentucky. He has pastored Pikes Ridge 1949-1952 Taylor County; Walnut Hill now Lowell Avenue 1952-1954 Campbellsville, Menlo 1954- 1957 Menlo, Georgia; Buice Memorial 1957-1959 Atlanta, Georgia; Superintendent of Missions 1959-1963 Bedford, Kentucky, Little Union 1963-1966 Fairfield, Kentucky; First Baptist Church 1966-1973 Irvine, Kentucky and is presently serving First Baptist Church, Carrollton, Kentucky. He served in the armed forces of our country for two years (1945 and 1946). Thirteen months was on Okinawa. He made a tour around the world June 20, 1970-July 20, 1970, visiting 15 countries. He also visited 49 states in our nation and preached revivals in Alabama, Georgia, California, Missouri, and Kentucky. PASTOR'S COMMENT: The pastor deeply appreciates the many hours of research and writing of our church history. Our history committee: Mrs. Edward Benningfield, Mrs. Jesse Maupin and Mrs. Lester Farmer are to be complimented for a thorough and interesting history. I am grateful also to be pastor of a church where her members are not only rich in historical data, but rich in love, understanding, cooperation and fellowship. In celebrating a hundred years as an organized church, one becomes involved with the thrill of a small band of people seeking for a place and creating an atmosphere for worship. One finds himself joining with the congregation in singing, praying and listening to the thundering messages of pastors--messages on God's grace, judgment, condemnation upon sin and other great doctrines of the faith. These men of God preached unflinchingly against unchristian conduct and led the church to reinforce their messages by taking immediate action to discipline her members. Many times the services began or ended in long sessions of church business. The history, decade by decade moves along from organization with charter members and their.descendents joined by hundreds of other members uniting in one faith and purpose. Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church has experienced periods of physical and spiritual depressions, but always followed by revival and victory. Under the leadership of various pastors, the members of the church have cooperated and progressed toward better organization and facilities for Sunday School and Church. The church has consistantly maintained interest in worldwide missions through missionary organizations and contributions through the Cooperative Program. The church has demonstrated a greater understanding of a pastor's role and has provided a beautiful and adequate home and better financial assistance for his needs. Whatever progress has been made has resulted in part by members of this church who sacrifically gave of themselves in the Lord's work. Many of these have gone to be with the Lord. May the same pioneer spirit and promptings of heart unite us in continual zeal and fellowship as we make history "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus 2:13 Bro. Bruce Hullette
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