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Harold Meers
(Pastor from 1961 - 1963)
Harold G. Meers, Sr. was born April 6, 1936. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Meers, Sr. of Buffalo, Kentucky.
He attained his high school diploma from Buffalo High School in 1954; attended Campbellsville Baptist Junior College (1954-1956); transferred to Western State University in Bowling Green, Kentucky and graduated (August, 1959) with a B.A. Degree (a major in English and minor in Psychology and Sociology). While at Western State University, he was a member of Inter-Collegiate Debate Team and active in other speech activities. He graduated from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky with a B.D. Degree (June, 1962).
Harold G. Meers was called to preach at the age of fifteen. After two years of regular pulpit supply, he was called as Pastor of the Round Top Baptist Church, Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Upon request of the Round Top Baptist Church, the Buffalo Baptist Church of the Kentucky Baptist Convention ordained him on April 4, 1954.
Rev. Meers has served the following churches as Pastor: Round Top Baptist Church in Elizabethtown, Ky. for 3 years (1954-1957); Three Springs Baptist Church in Horse Cave, Ky. for 2 years (1957-1959); Knox's Creek Baptist Church in Magnolia, Ky. for 2 years (1959-1961); Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church in Lebanon, Ky. for 2 years (1961-1963); Highland Park First Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky. for 5 years (1963-1968); and Huntington Baptist Church, Huntington in Long Island, N.Y. (1968-1974).
Rev. Meers taught Junior High School English for two years at Hart Memorial School from 1957-1959.
On December 14, 1954, he was married to Betty Jo Howard of Springfield, Ky. Three children were born to this marriage: Janet Susan Meers (June, 1959); Patricia Lynn Meers (March, 1962); and Carol Ann Meers (March, 1964). In September 16, 1964, Betty Meers was tragically killed in an auto accident.
On August 1, 1965, Rev. Meers was married to Shirley Purdy, who is a native of Madisonville, Kentucky. To their marriage, a son, Harold G. Meers, Jr., was born in February, 1971. As of September 1, 1974, he is pastor of Peters Creek Baptist Church in Library, Pennsylvania.
The following is the letter of resignation presented to the church from Bro. Meers:
To My Dear Friends in Christ, of the Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church:
It is apparent to me that God wills that I go to become pastor of the Highland Park First Baptist Church of Louisville, Ky. It is for this reason that I am resigning as pastor of this church. My last Sunday with you will be February 10, 1963.,
Our time together has been short, but it has been most rewarding for the cause of Christ. Let me make it clear, I am not leaving because any-thing is wrong here, rather, it is because most things are in good order. The reason for leaving is the call to fill the great need of the Highland Park First Church.
My heart is near many of you and this place. It is not easy to leave those we love. It is not ours alone to choose, for when God calls, His ministers must follow.
I am as concerned for your welfare today as I was the day I began to work with you. My prayer is that God will lead you to a wise and able pastor.
Yours in Christ,
Harold G. Meers
Meers was here in 1999 to help us celebrate the 125th Anniversary
of Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church.
Meers and his wife, Shirley visited MHBC to help celebrate the
135th Anniversary of the church. He was the guest speaker on
Wednesday, November 4th during the revival services. It was great
having him back with us!
He said he retired 11 years ago and lives in Madisonville, Kentucky.